How purchases work on Douying, the Chinese TikTok Shop

douyin is one of the leading social networks in China (here known as TikTok). Its 700 million users not only use this channel to view videos, but also to make purchases within the platform, which in some cases are made within a live streaming event (during the past 11/11, more than 1 million yuan in sales were generated through 7,500 direct shows held on that date)

Rumors about TikTok Shop expanding to the West make the question more interesting than ever: How does shopping on Douyin work? For this reason, from Innova Digital Export, we are going to try to shed some light, in 3 keys:

1.- Access to the purchase page of a product

  1. home: access to the shopping area already appears prominently on the home page
  2. In addition, from videos or live streaming (live videos), we can also find the link to the product (almost always associated with a discount coupon).
  3. Lastly, the influencers (there called KOL’s), have from their profile a link to the products they are selling as a result of collaborations

2.- What is a store like in Douyin?

A store in Douyin shows the catalog of products associated with it, with very advanced information: detailed information about the products, several images per product, delivery methods, etc. Regarding the payment methods, we can select between different ways (Alipay, Wechat, DouyinPay – Card -), or even pay in installments.

3.- The product looking for the consumer

The fact that players like Douyin are entering e-commerce raises some very interesting questions: and that is that, normally, we are used to the “consumer journey” being initiated by the buyer, prior necessity. But what happens in a digital environment in which it is not the consumer who is looking for the product, but the product that the consumer is looking for? It will undoubtedly be a new step in the evolution of digital marketing techniques that in the West we are not yet very used to working with.

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In fact, in Douyin they talk about working with the “FACT” Operation Matrix:

  • F (Field / brand self-live streaming): brands creating a fan base with which to communicate directly to inform them of news or new direct shows.
  • A (Alliance): The option for brands to access a database of content creators suitable for their product.
  • C (Campaign) and T (TOP KOL): The option to launch campaigns (direct, events, etc.) for specific shopping festivals hand in hand with Douyin from the top celebrities on this social network.

Much to discover in the West and much to take advantage of now in China, the largest digital market in the world. To accompany you in the process, do not hesitate to contact specialized companies such as Innova Digital Exportwho will carry out a study at no cost and without commitment, 100% adapted to your objectives and needs.

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