United, one step away from renewing Rashford

after living what is probably his most delicate moment as a player of the Manchester Utdthere are even constant rumors about his possible departure from Old Trafford at the end of the season, Marcus Rashford has recovered the prominence that he had been losing periodically, all thanks to the presence of Erik Tenhag on the bench of Old Trafford.

The arrival of the Dutch coach has caused a radical change in United’s sporting scheme, in which Rashford He has emerged as one of the best players in the world in this 2022/2023 season, which is why the English team is doing everything possible to retain their new star, and thus drive away all those European giants who were already beginning to rub shoulders. hands with the possibility of closing his signing for the next campaign.

Avoid his exit on the horn

Marcus Rashford has a valid contract Manchester Utd until June 30, 2023, therefore the English team has to hurry as much as possible to avoid that from July 1 the footballer can negotiate his arrival at zero cost to any other top team in Europe, something that as we say they look for clubs like Real Madrid or Paris Saint Germainwho would be left with honey on their lips as long as Rashford renews his contract to continue expanding the 120 goals and 66 assists that he has achieved over the years in the Manchester Utd.

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