Reyes takes out his international stripes against Zaragoza

Bilbao Basket does not give up in the fight for the playoff. The Cup was lost and in the second phase the Champions League turned its back on it, but there is the team, heroic many times, with Withey, Goudelock, Rigo and their star Hakanson in a corner dressed as street due to injuries. And, following the tradition, another fell in the 40 minutes, Francis Alonso, sore in one knee. But there they asked Reyes, Kyser and the rest of the middle class to take responsibility and lead a new victory in Miribilla. The ‘international’ is in a very sweet moment. He was one point away from his top scorer in the ACB. Zaragoza was a disaster in the first round against the Biscayans and it’s not that it washed the image a lot, it’s that it kept blurring it. The ‘men in black’ look closer to repeating in Europe and they already have 6 relegation games, bestial.

The match was torture at first, with failures everywhere. Smith monopolized a lot of play and Bilbao Basket only moved under his baton, which greatly limited the movement of the ball and caused very predictable attacks. They moved the ball outside and only played seven meters. Nobody found the right pass or the play with the most advantages. The defenses did not exist and Reyes and Ubal came out to give a little more dynamism, determination and threat. The Casademont players missed long shots completely alone. Reyes put the locals ahead: 15-14 and the visitors left the first quarter with 0-6 in triples and 14 rebounds.

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81 – Surne Bilbao Basket (18+15+23+25): Radicevic (8), Smith (17), Rabaseda (4), Sulejmanovic (6) and Tsalmpouris -starting five-; Ubal (9), Francis Alonso, Reyes (20), Andersson (3), Kyser (14) and Barandalla.

68 – Casademont Zaragoza (16+8+23+21): Wright (9), Jovic (17), Yusta (4), Simanic (10), and Mekowulu (10) -starting five-; Ponitka, Sant-Roos (10), Cruz, Hlinason (8), Langarita and Nguirane.

Referees: Benjamin Jimenez, Jorge Martinez and Andres Fernandez. Eliminated for fouls Mekowulu (m.40).

Incidents: Match corresponding to day 25 of the Endesa League played at the Bilbao Arena in Miribilla before 7,754 spectators. official data.

Zaragoza was in a disaster, lacking in energy, but it’s not like the hosts were the Warriors. The scoreboard was going up points at the speed of a turtle. The Aragonese, without a Mara who is punished at home by Fisac, added two baskets only in the second act, by Sant-Roos, the other two points from their meager baggage came from the free kick. Sule put the maximum difference at 2:02 for the break: 33-20. Surne had that moment to break the game and wasted it with another disconnection. Or left it for later.

Andersson, Rabaseda and Radicevic celebrate
Andersson, Rabaseda and Radicevic celebrate

Ponsarnau’s team continued to depend a lot on Smith: a tie at 46 after Jovic’s basket. That’s where the couple of the night Ubal-Reyes emerged again, to make it 60-47 after a brilliant 14-1 between the end of the third act and the start of the last act. Fisac’s pupils broke easily from the outside to score under the basket, but it did not reach them. There was some attempt at anger with Simanic. With Fisac ​​the sparks are almost never lacking. Jovic, who ended up injured and the Bilbao Basket doctor even helped, scored a three-pointer from nine meters from the Endesa League logo, but Casademont was delivered almost from the initial jump. Ponsarnau continues with the particular ‘vendetta’ of him: he ended up dismissed and very little valued in Prince Felipe and this season morale has food for them. He draws magic from quintets that include, for example, Barandalla, Ubal, Andersson, Kyser and Reyes. They will not be first figures, but they give everything for the cause. Miribilla was overwhelmed with expectation also by the presence of Ari Geli, 3×3 basketball player and a star on social media. The biggest Spanish-speaking basketball influencer.

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