Three ingredients to lose weight

Have you been trying to lose weight without success? You might consider drinking green tea mixed with turmeric and cinnamon. These three ingredients contain powerful antioxidants and other compounds that increase metabolism and promote weight loss. Obviously, a healthy diet, exercise, adequate sleep, adequate sunlight, and stress management all promote physical and mental health.

But sometimes you need that extra boost of nutrients and natural herbs that green tea provides. Plus, it tastes delicious and can help you get through your afternoon better when you’re feeling sleepy. Green tea contains moderate amounts of caffeine, but not enough to make you jittery or hyperactive.

L-theanine, an amino acid that reduces stress and anxiety levels, helps to counteract the caffeine in green tea. Regular consumption of green tea can help with concentration and alertness without making you jittery like coffee.

Green tea with cinnamon and turmeric provides an extra dose of antioxidants while helping you lose weight. Below we will tell you more about the benefits of these three ingredients and give you the tea recipe.

Green tea promotes weight loss and mental health

If you want to lose weight, it requires immense willpower, focus and dedication. Increased stress levels or pre-existing health issues can hinder your progress, but having a routine and sticking to it makes it easier to achieve a healthy weight in the long term.

Adding green tea to your daily regimen will promote overall health and improve your immunity. Many like to create a “tea ritual” to encourage mindfulness and relaxation, an essential facet of health. Drinking tea before work is the best way to start your day on the right foot.

Living intentionally and bringing more awareness into your routine will have a positive impact on your life. Being more mindful can improve your mental health and help you lose weight. That’s because reaching your goals and focusing on what really matters is much easier when you have mental clarity. There’s a reason why so many have used green tea for thousands of years to help with their meditation practice.

Green tea is a powerful antioxidant

And the same calming compounds in green tea can also help you lose weight. Studies show that a powerful antioxidant called epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG) can improve mood and increase metabolism. Tea contains many bioactive compounds, but EGCG catechin is the most abundant, accounting for about 42% of the dry weight of prepared green tea.

The potent antioxidant can help you lose weight by boosting the effects of fat-burning hormones like norepinephrine (noradrenaline). It blocks an enzyme that breaks down this hormone, allowing more norepinephrine to enter cells and promote thermogenesis. Caffeine also assists in this process, as it accelerates metabolism and helps with fat loss. As fat cells break down, fat enters the bloodstream and is converted into energy.

Cinnamon and turmeric can also help you with weight loss.

While it’s clear that green tea can help you lose weight, especially harmful abdominal visceral fat, cinnamon and turmeric enhance these effects. A 2017 study found that a compound in cinnamon called cinnamaldehyde can induce thermogenesis and prevent obesity.

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This process generates heat in the body and speeds up metabolism, aiding in fat loss. Furthermore, other research shows that cinnamon contains one of the highest antioxidant activities among all herbs and spices in the world.

These antioxidants promote healing by reducing inflammation and stabilizing blood sugar, which can help you lose weight. Since inflammation is the root cause of most diseases, it is essential to consume as many anti-inflammatory foods as possible. After all, disease cannot thrive in a healthy body; therefore, weight loss will naturally occur as you heal from the inside out.

Other Benefits of Turmeric and Cinnamon

You can also benefit from cinnamon because it is a natural antifungal and antimicrobial agent. In addition, it improves heart health, fights allergies, protects brain function and contains magnesium and calcium.

Consider adding turmeric to your green tea for more health benefits. The studies show that a potent anti-inflammatory compound in turmeric called curcumin can help with weight loss. The antioxidant suppresses specific inflammatory markers that contribute to obesity and improves insulin sensitivity. Thus, it becomes easier to lose weight as fat cells cannot thrive in an inflammation-free environment.

Finally, turmeric can fight free radicals that contribute to cancer growth, improve digestion and brain health, relieve arthritis symptoms, and improve heart health.

Now that you know the healing powers of these ingredients, we’ll show you how to make the tea recipe.

Green tea recipe with cinnamon and saffron for weight loss


  • A bag of your favorite green tea (or the powdered equivalent, about 5 grams)
  • A teaspoon of cinnamon powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground turmeric
  • Optional sweetener to taste (honey, stevia, etc.)


  1. Boil a glass of water.
  2. Add the cinnamon and saffron and boil for a few more minutes.
  3. Mix the ingredients with a spoon, add the sweetener and enjoy! because it’s also delicious.

Ideally drink this tea in the morning as it contains caffeine. Also, drinking green tea at this time will help you lose weight, as your metabolism is faster when you wake up.

Final Thoughts on Three Ingredients to Help You Lose Weight

You can already drink green tea every day to improve concentration and promote weight loss. However, if you want to lose weight faster, consider adding cinnamon and turmeric to your tea. These ingredients will speed up your metabolism as they contain compounds that activate fat burning hormones. Not to mention, the caffeine in green tea promotes a healthy weight because it speeds up your metabolic rate and burns fat.

Together, these three ingredients create a potent fat-burning recipe that will help you lose weight and promote overall health. Green tea will quickly become a staple in your daily routine once you feel the benefits of this powerful beverage.


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