Dermatologists explain how to reduce wrinkles without surgery

There’s nothing wrong with having fine lines and wrinkles; it can even add character to your skin. However, you may want to tone down your appearance for personal reasons.

If you don’t like the look of your lines, you don’t need to have surgery to reduce them. While surgery is an option for some people, many people don’t like the idea. There are natural ways to remedy this sign of aging at home without permanently altering your body.

Aging is inevitable, but you can take steps and make lifestyle changes to reduce the appearance of fine lines. You can use these tips to make a difference and look younger while gaining health.

How wrinkles are formed

Wrinkles are the fine lines that develop on the skin, specifically on the neck, face, arms and hands. They appear as a sign of the natural aging process, which is why children’s skin is very different from that of the elderly.

As you age, your skin loses its elasticity because collagen production slows down. It also becomes thinner and drier, making it more susceptible to wrinkles. This process usually starts when you turn 25.

However, aging is not the only cause, as wrinkles can get worse due to many factors. These factors include pollution, sun exposure, facial expressions and your muscle contractions and lifestyle habits.

how to reduce wrinkles

While wrinkles are a natural part of aging, you can have some control over the process. These methods can help you to reduce the appearance and prevent new lines from appearing.

1 – Avoid the sun or protect your skin

Sun exposure is one of the main causes of wrinkles. Avoiding exposure is the best option, but if you can’t stay away, you should use sunscreen. It will protect you from skin cancer and at the same time delay the signs of aging.

Consider sunscreen with an SPF of 30 and 50, even on cloudy days. The sun’s ultraviolet rays can penetrate clouds, so be sure to use sunscreen on these days. You can also protect yourself by wearing a wide-brimmed hat, light-colored clothing, and UV-protective sunglasses.

2 – Drink lots of water

Your body needs water for almost every function, which can help reduce fine lines and wrinkles. It keeps the skin healthy and hydrated, positively affecting the appearance of the skin.

3 – Don’t sleep on your side or stomach

Studies show that your sleeping position can cause wrinkles. Sleeping on your side can increase lines on your chin and cheeks. Lying on your stomach can cause a grimace due to the pressure put on your face.

You can reduce these effects by sleeping on your back. Limit pressure on the skin and do not expose it to unnatural positions.

4 – Don’t smoke tobacco

Smoking can rapidly age the skin because it releases an enzyme that breaks down elastin and collagen. When these components break down, the skin becomes wrinkled and thinner because they are responsible for elasticity and strength.

The nicotine in cigarettes also reduces blood flow and causes blood vessels to constrict. It limits the flow of oxygen and prevents nutrients from reaching the skin.

Also, the heat from cigarettes can cause or aggravate wrinkles. Pursing the lips can also cause premature wrinkles around the mouth. A study who compared identical twins showed that the smoking twin had more wrinkles than the non-smoking twin.

5 – Eat Fish

Cold water fish, like salmon, are rich in protein, which is a foundation for healthy skin. They also contain omega-3 fatty acids that nourish the skin and keep it plump. You will experience fewer lines and look younger.

6 – Increase your intake of vitamins

In addition to eating fish, you can increase your vitamin intake in other ways. Studies show that eating habits contribute to the appearance of the skin. Those who consume more red meat and unhealthy snacks have more wrinkles than those who opt for healthier options.

Choosing foods rich in anti-inflammatory or antioxidant properties is the best option. They increase the elasticity of the skin and protect it from damage and premature aging. These options include:

  • avocados
  • Green Tea
  • linseed
  • olive oil
  • grenades
  • fruits and vegetables
  • soy

7 – Get enough sleep to avoid wrinkles

Getting enough sleep is one of the best ways to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. When you feel sleep deprived, your body produces too much cortisol, which destroys skin cells. With enough rest, your body will produce more human growth hormone (HGH), keeping your skin plump and supple.

8 – Wear glasses to avoid strabismus

When you squint frequently, you strain your facial muscles and cause wrinkles. If you need glasses, wear them to prevent pits forming under the skin’s surface. Wearing sunglasses outdoors is also a good idea, as they prevent squinting from bright light.

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9 – Relax

Frequent facial tension can cause wrinkles, and learning to relax your face can help reduce them. If you often frown or purse your lips, you should find ways to relieve stress and relax your face. Consider these stress management techniques:

  • yoga
  • meditation
  • conscience
  • deep breathing exercises
  • regular exercise
  • Daily exercise

10 – Use Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs) at the First Appearance of Wrinkles

AHAs are natural acids that remove the top layer of dead skin cells, helping to reduce the appearance of wrinkles. It is most effective around the eyes and increases the overall strength and firmness of the skin. If you use a strong AHA, it can even stimulate collagen production.

11 – Don’t wash your face too much!

Washing your face too much can strip it of the moisture and oil that protects it from fine lines. Each time you wash your face, a little more protection is removed.

Your face needs hydration, and that means natural barrier oils. If you use soap on your face, make sure it contains a moisturizer. If not, switch to using a facial cleanser because it has the necessary moisture to protect your face.

12 – Apply vitamin C to the skin

Vitamin C cream or serum increases collagen production and protects the skin from ultraviolet rays. Reduces wrinkles and other signs of aging including redness, inflammation, dark spots and uneven skin tone.

However, not all types of vitamin C work. Look for L-ascorbic acid for best results.

13 – Hydrate your skin

Using moisturizers keeps the skin moist, minimizing the appearance of fine lines. It nourishes and moisturizes, it is essential because the skin dries out with age. Experts indicate that using a moisturizer with hyaluronic acid and vitamin C is the most effective way to reduce and prevent wrinkles.

14 – Drink Cocoa

Cocoa contains antioxidants such as epicatechin and catechin that can help reduce wrinkles in the following ways:

  • protecting your skin from sun damage
  • improving blood flow to skin cells
  • keeping skin hydrated and moisturized
  • helping your skin look and feel smoother

15 – Use retinoids on fine lines and wrinkles

Retinoids, sometimes called retinol, are one of the best anti-aging ingredients and come from vitamin A. They increase collagen production and plump the skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles.

Retinoids can also increase skin regeneration and create new blood vessels, improving the skin’s overall appearance. Plus, they can repair sun damage, improve skin texture, and boost hydration levels.

Start with a small amount to check your tolerance. Afterwards, use it only every other day as it may cause flaking.

16 – Idebenone

This chemical is a powerful antioxidant that can improve the skin’s appearance after six weeks of regular application. Idebenone can reduce skin roughness and improve hydration, resulting in less wrinkles. It can also repair sun damage and other skin problems.

17 – Microneedles

Also known as skin needling or microneedling, microneedling rejuvenates our face after being pricked with a device with several tiny needles. It creates a small wound in the epidermis, the top layer of the skin. The wound heals quickly and triggers the production of new collagen and elastin.

18 – Chemical Peeling

Using a chemical peel can dissolve blemishes by removing the top layer of skin. With the top layer gone, it leaves room for healthy skin to grow, reducing wrinkles and other blemishes.

How long do these methods last for reducing fine lines or wrinkles?

How long each method lasts depends on the option you choose and the severity of your wrinkles.

Protecting your skin and practicing good skin care routines is a daily necessity. You should also maintain a healthy diet and stay hydrated regularly.

You can’t do these things once and expect results. It should become a habit to reduce wrinkles and keep your skin youthful.

However, microneedling and chemical peels last up to six months before the results wear off. Focusing on healthy habits and skin care routines between treatments can help your skin last longer. The severity of your wrinkles also affects the length of treatment.

Final thoughts on how to reduce wrinkles without surgery

While wrinkles are a natural part of aging, you can reduce and prevent them. You don’t need surgery to get results. Your daily habits can make a difference, but you may need to make positive changes.

Bet on a diet rich in vitamins, hydrate and protect yourself from the sun. Avoid smoking, use a moisturizer, and consider other options for reducing wrinkles. You can make a change and notice a difference in your appearance.

And remember, those wrinkles and lines are the marks of having lived!


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