An Atleti B thrown towards the dream of direct promotion

EI Atleti B goes for all. Not even the loss of Pablo Barrios, by all accounts the first team, has dented a team led by Tevenet that They have cut six points from Melilla in the last four days and are one away from the lead, which means direct promotion. Sunday’s victory against Coria was another example of the rojiblancos’ good moment of health, with Carlos Martín as the spearhead who He is already the top scorer in the category with 11 goals. Regular in the first team sessions and debutant last season under the command of Simeone, the man from Madrid He is one of the highlights of an intense, offensive, fast and convinced team with the coach’s ideas.

Cala and Ethyan certified a victory that means more than three points. Only the comeback of Don Benito in the previous day, going from 0-2 to 2-2 in the second half, has prevented Atleti B from full victories in recent key weeks to fight for high levels. In these four days, Atlético has added ten points that contrast with the bad numbers of the competitors for the head. Melilla has remained in four, Gimnástica Segoviana in two, Estepona another two, Cacereño three and Navalcarnero six. Only Villanovense, who has risen from eighth to fourth place, has maintained the mattress rhythm.

Atleti B squeezes Melilla while putting distance with respect to the third and already surpasses the sixth classified that marks the promotion playoff places by eight. Tevenet is alternating between Iturbe and Gomis in goal, a regular on Simeone’s lists. Sergio Díez, Marco Moreno, Kostis, Gismera or Alberto Moreno They are other proper names in an Atleti B who dreams big while making the future mattress clear. In the case of the latter, it also had its official debut this season in the Copa del Rey with the first team.

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