6 exercises to improve posture

If you want to improve your posture, specific stretches and exercises can help. Many people today complain of back pain and poor posture from sitting at a desk all day. Even ergonomic chairs are sometimes enough to combat hours spent in the same position. But being physically active outside of work, even just thirty minutes a day, can counteract the adverse effects of a sedentary lifestyle.

You might think that sitting in the correct posture seems superficial or vain. However, knowing the correct way to stand or sit doesn’t just affect how you look. It also increases the body’s strength, flexibility and energy, reducing muscle soreness. Standing upright and avoiding slouching is essential, as poor posture can strain your muscles and joints.

If you want to improve your posture, we propose some exercises to help you achieve your goal.

6 easy exercises to improve posture and reduce neck and back pain

1. Child’s posture to reduce back pain

This simple yoga pose offers many health benefits, including stretching your spine, hamstrings, and glutes. It also relieves tension in the lower back and stretches the ankles, shoulders and thighs. With more people than ever suffering from lower back pain, this pose should become a staple in everyone’s exercise routine.

How to do it:

  1. Start on your knees and sit back on your heels, keeping your big toes in contact. Spread your knees so you can place your torso between them.
  2. Then, lean forward at the hips and extend your hands as far as possible. You can rest your forehead on the floor or use a pillow for comfort.
  3. Then release your tailbone towards your heels and lower your hips towards your feet. If you have problems with posture, you can place a pillow under your thighs for additional support.
  4. Stay in this pose for as long as you like, inhaling and exhaling gently as you practice. Take a deep breath and allow yourself to surrender to the pose.
  5. Remember to keep your arms straight out in front of you or rest them beside your legs with your palms facing up.

2. Lean forward to improve posture

A forward bending yoga asana can work wonders for improving posture. The standing stretch relieves tight muscles and joints in your spine, hamstrings and glutes while stretching your legs. It’s also a great way to get the blood flowing to your brain!

How to do it:

  1. Stand with feet together and heels slightly apart.
  2. Now gently lower your hands to your hips and lean towards the floor.
  3. Rest your hands on the floor, on your ankles, or on a yoga block. Please make it more comfortable for you.
  4. If necessary, slightly bend your knees to hold the position longer. Also, lengthen your spine as much as possible.
  5. Tuck your chin into your chest and let your head drop close to your knees.
  6. Hold this pose for one to two minutes.

3. Cat-Cow

This stretch promotes elasticity in the spine and can help improve your posture. You will definitely love this pose if you suffer from chronic back pain. Open your back and relieve tension in your shoulders and neck. In addition, the cat-cow pose improves blood circulation, bringing more oxygen to the body.

How to do it:

  1. Get on all fours with your hands placed under your shoulders and your knees directly under your hips.
  2. Now, inhale and look straight ahead, contracting your abdomen as you extend your back.
  3. As you exhale, pull your chin towards your chest and lower your head. Pull in your abdomen with your spine facing the ceiling.
  4. Continue to alternate between the cat and cow poses for at least five rounds.
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4. Back extension to improve posture

This exercise helps to improve posture, strengthen back muscles and prevent spinal injuries. Most people are familiar with back extension machines at the gym, but you can also do this at home. You only need a mat and a foam roller to get started. Office workers and other employees who sit around all day will appreciate this exercise.

How to do it:

  1. Start by lying on a mat with your back facing the floor. Position the foam roller just below your shoulders for back extension.
  2. Then, place your arms across your chest as if you are hugging yourself.
  3. Put your legs together and bend them at the knees.
  4. Now exhale as you lift your chest, head and shoulders off the floor. Tilt your head back and arch your spine as you stretch your lower back.
  5. Remember to take slow, deep breaths and hold for at least ten seconds. Do at least ten repetitions of this exercise to improve posture

5. Plank pose can reduce back pain

Plank pose helps build abdominal strength and improves balance. It also improves your posture and stamina while teaching you patience. Since you need to maintain your body weight in this position, it’s a great all-around workout.

How to do it:

  1. Get on your knees and stretch your legs back. Slightly bend your elbows so your weight rests on your forearms.
  2. Make sure you keep your body straight and avoid dropping your abdomen as this can lead to back injury. Keep your core muscles tight as you stretch your neck and spine.
  3. Face the floor and keep your chest open. Make sure your shoulder muscles stay back and don’t hunker down around your neck.
  4. Hold this position for at least a minute or as long as possible.

6. Cobra stretch to improve posture

This yoga pose offers one of the best ways to improve posture. The snake also stretches the lungs and chest to improve breathing capacity. Lastly, it lengthens the spine and even stretches the glutes and hamstrings.

How to do it:

  1. Start by lying on the floor with your stomach down. Place your palms under your shoulders and lift your chest off the mat as you inhale.
  2. Extend your arms with this same movement and keep your abdominal muscles contracted.
  3. Then make sure your head is facing forward and keep your shoulder muscles tight.
  4. If you’re doing the pose correctly, it should look like a snake ready to strike. Hold this position for about 30 seconds or as long as possible. Release the breath as you lower yourself back to the mat.

Final thoughts on trying these six yoga poses to improve posture and relieve back pain

There are many exercises to improve posture, improve strength and increase flexibility. Most people think of the gym when it comes to exercise, but you can do these poses in the comfort of your own home. All you need to get started is a mat, a foam roller, and a quiet place to relax. Fortunately, these postures are relatively easy for beginners and can restore balance to the body.


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