Real Madrid’s diplomatic plan to convince Mbappé in January

The double function of the statement written yesterday at the Madridista offices by order of Florentino Pérez, which has to do with the French striker and a former Merengue world champion

The French Attacker kylian mbappe It is a trend on Twitter after a publication from a few hours ago that has nothing to do with the psg but that the Real Madrid wants to take advantage And it is that despite his renewal with the French club, the Madridista team still has not removed him from their radar and Florentino dreams of his arrival at the Santiago Bernabéu.

Although the post you made mbappe has nothing to do with him Real Madrid, in the Merengue offices they have looked for a way to connect with the words that the French striker wrote. They did this through a statement that Florentino himself ordered to write and later publish.

Mbappé and Zidane are already two legends of the French National Team, and Florentino wants the 24-year-old to join the merengue hall of fame with Zizou.

What is the relationship between Mbappé’s words and the statement from Real Madrid?

Everything originated from the interview that an important media outlet in France did to the president of the French Football Federation Noël Le Graët. In it, they asked him about the renewal of Didier Deschamps as coach and why Zinedine Zidane was ruled out. This was said by the president. “I would not have answered the phone. To tell him what, ‘Hello sir, don’t worry, look for another club, I just reached an agreement with Didier’?”

In view of an eventual rapprochement between Zidane and the Brazil National Team, this is what Noël Le Graët said. “I would be surprised if he went there. He can do what he wants, it doesn’t concern me. We have not met and we have never considered parting ways with Didier Deschamps”. The statements by the president of the FFF made several footballers feel very bad, especially Mbappé, who wrote on Twitter. “Zidane is France, you can’t disrespect the legend like that.” Real Madrid was not far behind and also sent a message to the French president.

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Real Madrid comes out in defense of Zidane and supports Mbappé’s words

The statement published by the merengue club on all its social networks defends Zinedine Zidane and attacks the president of the FFF. This is how the document begins. “Real Madrid CF regrets the unfortunate statements made by the president of the French Football Federation, Nöel Le Graët, about Zinedine Zidane, one of the greatest legends of world sport.”

In the document, Real Madrid also mentions its current French striker. “The statements by the president of the French Football Federation are inappropriate for someone who holds that representation and disqualify themselves, like the ones he also makes about our captain Karim Benzema, current Ballon d’Or, champion of the League of Nations with France in 2021 and winner of 5 Champions League, among many other titles”. Florentino hopes that Kylian Mbappé feels empathy with the white team for this statement in defense of his ideals towards Zidane.

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