Netflix: how much will you pay to share an account in 2023

Several users share an account on the Netflix streaming platform, but next year the conditions for sharing may change.

The company alleges that the current sharing conditions affect the service and, therefore, in 2023 it will be able to charge an additional fee to the main user for each sharing made.

Netflix will charge an additional fee in 2023 for each share

Netflix streaming platform
Starting in 2023, Netflix may charge an additional fee for each shared Credit@Tumisu/Pixabay account

Ever since the emergence of Netflix, many users have freely shared accounts with their family and friends. Although the platform has always accepted these conditions for sharing, it has never hidden its goal of preventing this habit.

Especially after losing a significant number of subscribers and the competition from platforms like Disney+ and HBO Max has become fierce. For this reason, in the year that will now enter, Netflix wants to change this way of sharing an account among its users.

According to The Wall Street Journal, the well-known streaming platform will start charging the account user an additional fee for each action they take.

According to the well-known American information agency, for Netflix “the widespread exchange of accounts between families that is happening now affects our ability to invest and develop our service in the long term.”

Additional fee three to four dollars on the new sharing policy

Before implementing this new sharing policy, Netflix conducted tests in some South American countries. In that test group, the primary account holder was required to provide a verification code to any other user who wanted to access the platform outside of their habitual residence.

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Also from these tests we can assume that the fee to be charged in 2023 will be three to four dollars for each additional user. Making the direct conversion of the currencies, in Europe it will be between 2.80 euros and 3.80 euros.

Also according to The Wall Street Journal, Netflix has considered another strategy to avoid account swapping. On the table was the possibility of the platform adding paid content to its library.

This move was intended to convince users to keep their credentials with them for fear that additional users to their account could increase costs. But the company has waived this measure to continue maintaining a simple user experience.

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