First execution of a man participating in the demonstrations in Iran

The relief will not last. Despite the gesture in support of the protest movement in Iran, with the suppression of the morality police, Tehran executed a man for the first time since the movement began on Thursday. “Mohsen Shekari, a rioter who blocked Sattar Khan Boulevard on September 25 and stabbed a Bassij (a paramilitary) with a machete, was executed Thursday morning in Tehran,” said Mizan Online, the body of the judiciary.

In total, eleven people risk the same fate for their participation in the demonstrations. Iran is the scene of a protest movement sparked by the September 16 death of Mahsa Amini, a 22-year-old Iranian Kurd who died three days after her arrest by vice squad for violating the Islamic Republic’s strict dress code. imposing in particular the wearing of the veil for women. According to the Judiciary Agency, Mohsen Shekari had been accused of being an “enemy of God” and sentenced by the Revolutionary Court in Tehran on 1 November. His appeal was dismissed by the Supreme Court on November 20 making the sentence enforceable.

Paid to hit

The judicial authority specifies that Mohsen Shekari was found guilty of having drawn “his weapon with the intention of killing, causing terror and disturbing the order and security of society”. “He intentionally stabbed a Basij, who required 13 stitches while performing his duty, and blocked Sattar Khan Street in Tehran,” the agency added. According to Mizan, “Shekari then tried to flee but was stopped by law enforcement. »

In his confession, Mohsen Shekari said according to the body of the judicial authority: “After my work in the district of Narmak (eastern Tehran), I went with Ali (his accomplice) by motorbike to the district of Sattar Khan (west) and we closed the intersection to cars”. “Ali gave me a machete and told me if you hit a security guard I will pay you well,” he added. The court did not say whether Ali was arrested.

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The injured Bassij said he saw at the intersection “two tall men who were trying to block the street, and one of them held a machete in his hand forcing the blocked motorists to chant slogans” against the authorities. “I got off the motorcycle and went to see the accused. When I asked him what he was doing, he attacked me and injured my shoulder,” said this member of the Bassidji militia linked to the Revolutionary Guards, the ideological army of the Islamic Republic.

On Tuesday, Iranian justice pronounced the death penalty against five people for having killed a paramilitary during the demonstrations, bringing to eleven the number of death sentences. More than 2,000 people have been charged, half of them in Tehran, since the start of the protest, according to official figures from the Iranian justice system.

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