A Muslim shopkeeper in Britain forgave a robber instead of arresting him

Social media is talking about the arrogance of a British Muslim shopkeeper who forgave a helpless robber instead of arresting him.

A veteran in Yorkshire posed as a customer at a mobile shop and tried to make off with two valuable mobile phones.

Unfortunately, the automatic door of the shop was locked and he could not escape. On failure, the dacoit returned the phone while shop owner Afzal Nadeem showed mercy and let him go.

The CCTV footage inside the shop went viral on social media and people praised the shopkeeper’s magnanimity.

Later, owner Afzal Nadeem explained the reason for forgiving the bandit on his Instagram story.

He wrote, “I want to help this bandit because due to the tough economic conditions, not enough people have food on their tables, which leads them to commit crimes.”

The shopkeeper also wrote the blessed hadith of the Prophet ﷺ: ‘The Most Merciful has mercy on those who show mercy, you have mercy on the people of the earth, the One in heaven will have mercy on you.’

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