Pepe Brascó, the discoverer of Manel Estiarte, dies

Water polo is still in mourning after the death of Pepe Ruiz Orland, a former player and TVE journalist, last October. Now, at 92 years old and in Barbastro, the time has come for Pepe Brascó (Barcelona, ​​1929) that among his many achievements and advances as a Spanish coach, he had a success that marked the history of this sport: the discovery of Manel Estiarte, whom he convinced to opt for water polo and not swimming and made it international at just 15 years old, which raised a lot of criticism.

Brascó was linked to the world of chlorine in the 40s at clubs such as CE Meditarrani and CN Montjuïc, where he put down roots and became a coach in 1966. A club that began to dispute the championships against CN Barcelona at the hands of the Barcelona coach, who absorbed the knowledge of the father of Spanish water polo, the Hungarian Bandy Zolyomi. In 1973 he became the Spanish coach and began a transformation that culminated in 1978 when his stage ended. Before, in the Jonkoping European Championship (1977), he gave the alternative to a 15-year-old boy from CN Manresa. Manel Estiarte would eventually become the best player in the world and a cornerstone of the Golden Generation of Spanish water polo.

Brascó integrated other young talent into the team who would later continue as Pere Robert or ‘Carioco’, Manolo Delgado, a goalkeeper who would cover the goal until the Los Angeles Games. He did not achieve, yes, that knowledge to participate in the Olympic event since Spain was just left of the Montreal Games, in 1976. Years later he would present his resignation.

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The coach took advantage of his passion and reputation to see the world. After a stint at CN Sabadell, Brascó went to train in Saudi Arabia, Greece or Egypt. His honors include prestigious trophies such as the Greek Cup or the European Cup Winners’ Cup. The water polo of the 70s and 80s especially remembers him as one of those fathers who made the sport grow in which Spain is now the world champion.

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