The Terrible End of an Internet Friendship; The woman was killed and her organs removed

An internet friendship claimed the life of a 51-year-old woman.

According to a report published on the British website The Sun, a woman was brutally murdered in Peru to harvest her organs. Decided to get married.

The deceased woman is 51 years old while the man is said to be 37 years old, who is a medical student from Mexico. Blanca Arellano An unknown friend younger than himself John Pablo Villaforte traveled 3,000 miles from Mexico to Peru on July 27 to meet him for the first time.

According to the woman’s niece, Carla Arellano, my aunt told me that she was happy and relaxed and that the relationship was going very well. replied that his aunt had gone back to Mexico.

When the woman did not reach Mexico, the family contacted the authorities in Peru, on which they declared Blanca Arellano missing and a few days later her body was found on the beach by local fishermen.

Police arrested the woman’s friend, Villaforte, on Nov. 17 for the gruesome murder and organ trafficking.Investigators found human remains near Jose Faustino Sanchez Carrion National University, where Villaforte studies, according to forensic experts. The woman’s face and limbs were amputated by an experienced person with surgical instruments.

According to local media, the accused told the police during the investigation that he is a university student and pays for his studies by helping future doctors in exams. Also shared on Tik Tok, the accused is currently in police custody with further investigation underway.

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