VIDEO: Air-married couple hovers 70 feet above the ground

Chhattisgarh: A couple who wanted to get married in the air got their wish as the bride and groom tied each other’s wedding garlands while suspended 70 feet above the ground.

According to media reports, a couple in the Indian state of Madhya Pradesh planned an aerial wedding to make their wedding day extra special, and the bride’s father ordered a hot air balloon from Rajasthan for the wedding.

As the bride and groom hung in the air and garlanded each other, guests seventy feet below looked up to catch a glimpse of them.

A video of the wedding has also surfaced on social media. The wedding took place in Sector 7 of Bhilai in Durg district. The video was shared with the caption: “Wedding ceremony in Durg district was held in an air balloon. At a height of 70 feet, the bride and groom garlanded each other.

According to reports, the hot air balloon was so big that it needed a large field, so the wedding was organized at the Sector 7 Dussehra field, and bride Preeti and groom Ravi carried each other 70 feet in the air. Garlanded on high.

A seven-person team pulls the balloon up and down with the help of a rope, and the bride and groom are accompanied by a balloon pilot in the hot air balloon while garlanding.

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