ElPozo gets up from the blow with a win against his fans

ElPozo Murcia Costa Cálida thrashed Xota de Pamplon 7-1a at the end of the ninth day of the League in the Futsal First Division and with that victory they have risen three positions to be fourth with 14 points while the Navarrese team has fallen to the relegation zone with 9.

The team trained by Javi Rodríguez, who had just lost 7-4 on the Real Betis Futsal court and of being eliminated by penalties in the Copa del Rey against a Second rival like Sala 10 Zaragozahe retaliated by running over the Xotaalthough it wasn’t until minute 12 when he opened the scoring and that after visiting goalkeeper Asier Llamas was injured in a dispute with Taynan.

His substitute, the young Oihan Sánchez, did not have a good day and conceded five goals in the last eight minutes of the first half. Marcel, from a penalty; Rafa Santos, twice; Darío Gil and even the goalkeeper Juanjo were right so that the match was practically sentenced to rest. In the resumption again Marcel and Darío Gil They increased the difference and Imanol Arregui’s men at least scored a goal through Fabinho.

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