3 ideas to decorate your bedroom in a sustainable way

In most cases, the decoration of our rooms includes elements that are not very sustainable, such as some electronic devices and even wooden furniture. Indeed, it is difficult to find furniture that does not have a minimal environmental impact during its production. However, we may acquire or build objects whose impact is moderate or minimal. This applies to our entire home, as it is possible to contribute our ecological grain of sand when it comes to create our garden🇧🇷 In that case, we bring you three ideas to give your bedroom a new sustainable look.

Create your own furniture

One of the keys to decorating in a sustainable way is to recycle, so that we are not creating new objects that could cause an environmental impact. Therefore, the first idea we propose is the use of furniture made from recycled materials such as cardboard or metal. If you want to make the furniture yourself, you can start with something simple like a bookcase, for which you can use cardboard and a quality glue🇧🇷 If you want to harden it, you have the option of adding a first base of newspaper with glue diluted in water and another of paint.

reuse fabrics

Another idea that can give great results is to reuse old fabrics and recycle clothes and sheets that you no longer use. With them you can create original objects, such as a cozy quilt created with a mosaic of different fabrics. In this way, in addition to reducing the environmental impact, you can save money and create unique fabrics. In general, these types of mosaics are usually formed by pieces of approximately 15×15 cm and can be combined to suit each one. In addition to serving as a bedspread, this type of composition can become cushion covers, curtains or small tablecloths.

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Create your own decor

On the other hand, if you want to add new decorative elements to your room, one of the most sustainable options is to create them yourself with materials that you can reuse or recycle. One object that can work in almost any style is the “lit bottle”. As the name implies, it consists of a recycled bottle with lights inside. Depending on the color, your room will have one atmosphere or another. If you like the Gothic aesthetic, you can even use these bottles to fill them with dye cotton and simulate magic potions.

Source: pixabay.com

If you like a more urban aesthetic, another creative option is to use a skateboard as a base to create a coat rack or lamp. In the latter case, you will have to place the electrical system of the lamps in such a way that they resemble the wheels of the skateboard.

Whatever your style, the ideas for a more sustainable bedroom decor are almost limitless, as all you have to do is reuse and recycle materials. So if you’re still not sure how to give your bedroom a different look, just review this list and decide where to start.

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