Miraculously, a six-year-old child was pulled alive from the rubble two days after the Indonesia earthquake

Two days after the earthquake in Indonesia, a six-year-old child has been miraculously pulled out alive from under the rubble.

According to the news agency, at least 271 people were killed by the earthquake in the town of Cianjur in West Java, Indonesia. has been taken.

Local volunteer Jackson said that when we realized that Zika was alive, everyone there cried, including me, it was a very emotional scene and it felt like a miracle to us.

Rescue workers pull Zika from the rubble of a destroyed house in Sianjur. The baby, dressed in a blue shirt, appeared content as rescue workers pulled him out through a hole.

Jackson, a local volunteer, said they found the body of the child’s mother in the wreckage two hours after the rescue operation, with the child lying next to the body of its grandmother.

Jackson, a local volunteer, said that since he started working as a volunteer, he had never seen such an event. The scenes were emotional for all of us.

Officials say that one of the reasons for the large number of children killed is that many children were at school or at home at that time.

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