Republicans reveal their “commitment” before the elections

A fierce fight against inflation, crime and immigration, and a defense of “freedom”: 45 days before the legislative elections in the United States, the Republican Party presented yesterday the program that it plans to apply if it takes control of Congress .

Meeting in a warehouse on the outskirts of the former industrial bastion of Pittsburgh, in the northeast of the country, the conservatives unveiled their “Pledge to America”, a series of measures that allow the party to define itself in another way than in its opposition to the Democratic President Joe Biden’s policies.

“We’ve spent the last year and a half, all of us Republicans in this group, traveling around the country to listen to their issues, to fight back against what the Democrats have done,” said Kevin McCarthy, who hopes to become the next president of the House. House of Representatives after the mid-term elections on November 8.

The Republicans spent many minutes reviewing the handling by Biden and by Congress in the hands of the Democrats of inflation, the main angle of attack of the conservatives for months. “As we traveled the country, from soup kitchens to factories, we heard the same problem,” McCarthy said.

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