Pharaoh’s Cave Discovery

A cave dating back to the reign of Pharaoh Ramses II of Egypt has been discovered in Israel, which surprised experts.

According to details, Israeli archaeologists announced on Sunday the discovery of a buried cave dating back to the reign of Egyptian pharaoh Ramses II, which was found to be filled with dozens of potsherds and bronze artifacts.

According to Israeli and international media, the presence of this cave was revealed to experts last Tuesday on the coast when a digging machine hit the roof of the cave in Belmahim National Park.

Archaeologists found an ancient man-made square-shaped cave, which they used a ladder to descend.

According to the Israel Antiquities Authority (IAA), dozens of vessels of various shapes and sizes were found in different caves, dating back to the reign of an ancient Egyptian king who died in 1213 BC.

Some of these bowls are red in color, bones were also found in some, water troughs, cooking utensils, storage jars, lamps and bronze arrowheads were also found in the cave.

Experts say that these items were kept with the dead at the time of burial. A human skeleton has also been found in the cave. According to archaeologists, this cave presents a complete picture of burial customs in the late Bronze Age. does.

Experts termed this cave as an extremely rare discovery, it has been discovered for the first time in the lifetime since its construction, which has remained closed since its creation.

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The pharaoh whom these monuments date to had a long reign and control over Canaan, an area that included modern-day Israel and all of Palestine.

The cave has now been resealed, and is being guarded.

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