The pope assured that conflicts with more women in power would be avoided

Pope Francis assured that they would be avoided "decisions that lead to death" with more women at the center of decisions and called for them to be entrusted with roles of greater responsibility, in his last speech in Kazakhstan for the closing of the VI Congress of Leaders of World and Traditional Religions, which he attended during his three-day visit to the country .

The pope read his speech after the approval and reading of the Final Declaration with the requests of religious leaders and heads of international organizations, among which was that of a greater participation of women in positions of greater responsibility.

In the congress there was a very low number of female representation since, among the 81 leaders who sat at the round table of the debate, there were only eight women.

"Women must be involved. Because women care for and give life to the world, it is the path to peace. That is why we support the need to protect her dignity, and to improve her social status as a member of the family and of society with the same rights."the pope said, citing a point in the Final Document.

"Women, too, must be entrusted with greater roles and responsibilities. How many options that lead to death would be avoided if women were at the center of decisions! Let’s commit to making them more respected, recognized and included"he added.

In his speech, where he again asked for a commitment to stop the war, especially on the part of religions, he also referred to young people "as messengers of peace and unity for today and tomorrow".

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"They are the ones who, more than others, invoke peace and respect for the common home of creation. Instead, the logic of domination and exploitation, the hoarding of resources, nationalism, wars and zones of influence trace an old world, which young people reject, a world closed to their dreams and their hopes", he asserted.

And added that "also, rigid and suffocating religiosities do not belong to the future, but to the past. Thinking of the new generations, the importance of instruction has been affirmed here, which reinforces reciprocal acceptance and respectful coexistence between religions and cultures"

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