5 grain ships left from Ukraine, wheat became cheaper in the world market

Kyiv: 5 ships of grain have left Ukraine, wheat has become cheaper in the world market.

According to the details, the process of grain delivery from Ukraine continues, 5 more grain-laden ships left the country.

According to the Ukrainian Ministry of Infrastructure, cargo ships containing 23,000 tons of corn and wheat left for Africa from the Ukrainian ports of Yuzhny and Korno-Morsk.

It should be noted that since the start of supply from Ukraine, wheat has become cheaper in the world market, the price of wheat per ton in the world market has dropped by 7.75 euros to 332 euros.

Recall that on July 22, Turkey, the United Nations, Russia, and Ukraine signed an agreement in Istanbul to reopen the Ukrainian Black Sea ports of Yuzhny, Chornomorsk, and Odesa, so that Ukrainians stranded by the Russia-Ukraine war could be transported to Ukraine. Grain can be exported.

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