Scotland makes history by enacting free feminine hygiene law

This Monday comes into force Law of Products for the Rule which provides for totally free feminine hygiene products for Scottish citizens.

Municipalities and educational institutions will be in charge of distributing feminine hygiene products to whom they are requested and must be available by law.

The law was unanimously approved in November 2020 at the proposal of Labor Party MP Monica Lennon following a campaign against the "rule poverty". "I am proud to have championed the Menstrual Products Act, which is already bringing about positive change in Scotland and around the world."has stated in statements to the Scottish public television STV.

"The municipal authorities and the participating organizations have worked hard so that the right to free access to the products of the rule be a reality"has added.

For Lennon, it means "another great milestone for activists for the dignity of the rule (…) which shows that things can be achieved with progressive and courageous options".

For the Social Justice adviser of the Scottish government, Shona Robinson, the measure is more important now in the face of the crisis of rising prices. "Free access is essential for equality and dignity. This eliminates barriers to access"he has argued. "We are proud to be the first national government in the world to adopt this measure."has riveted.

The Scottish Home Rule Government has spent more than 27 million pounds (about 32 million euros) since 2017 to finance feminine hygiene products.

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