Conan: For Jason Momoa, the 2011 remake is a “big pile of shit” | Geek Lands

Jason Momoa is today a fairly bankable mainstream film actor in the film industry, as evidenced by his big roles in Aquaman, Dune and very soon the franchise Fast and Furious. But in his debut, the actor was given the heavy task of embodying Conan the Barbariana major figure in pop culture. Marcus Nispel was behind the camera for this film which had the daunting task of succeeding the original 1982 film which revealed Arnold Schwarzenneger. But Conan was a very big box office fiasco with only $63 million at the worldwide box office against a $90 million budget.

Critics unanimously decried the film and Jason Momoa also added a layer to the GQ media:

I’ve been in a lot of things that really sucked and movies that I had no control over. Conan was one of them. It was one of the best experiences I’ve had, but it’s been taken over [ndlr : en post-production] and turned into a big pile of shit.

For the rest of the actor’s career, we will find him on March 15, 2023 in Aquaman: The Lost Kingdom. He will also play in the western The Last Manhunt, Fast X and maybe the film adaptation of Minecraft.

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