Retention of water in the body. Causes and solutions

Have you ever had to deal with excessive swelling and discomfort? Suddenly gaining weight without changing your diet and lifestyle? Do you notice changes in skin color or even shiny, puffy skin? All of these symptoms point to water retention.

Fluid retention is quite common, but people don’t know how to identify it. Also known as fluid retention, it is one of the body’s main mechanisms for retaining fluids. But, for various reasons, the body does not always retain the proper amount. There are often problems with different mechanisms in the body that cause more fluid to be retained than necessary. When this happens, you will experience a number of symptoms, most notably swelling and discomfort.

For most cases of water retention, the problem will resolve itself. Still, water retention can increase and cause serious problems; in that case, you will need to consult a doctor. The best way to avoid dealing with the problem is to prevent it altogether. While some causes are unavoidable, many of them can be controlled. In most cases of water retention, your lifestyle causes the problem. If you change some of your habits, you will significantly reduce the likelihood of dealing with this problem. To better understand why water retention occurs, read on.

Symptoms of water retention

As you already know, the human body is made up of up to 60% water. So it’s no surprise that you need to retain fluids to function normally. For this reason, mechanisms exist to ensure that some of the fluids that enter the body remain there. As the human body is not perfect, sometimes these mechanisms fail and the body retains too much fluid. And this retention induces some unwanted changes and symptoms.


The main symptom of fluid retention is swelling, which affects all parts of the body. Even so, this swelling is more noticeable in the extremities (hands, arms, feet, legs and ankles). This is probably the first symptom you’ll notice if you’re dealing with fluid retention. This leads to discomfort and can even cause severe pain. This swelling, also known as edema, can be classified as pitting and non-pitting. Fossa edema is when, if you put pressure on the skin, you will leave a dent. Edema without pits is when no impression appears after pressing on the skin.

unexplained weight gain

Another common symptom is sudden weight gain, known as water weight. The body can retain up to five pounds of excess fluid on its own. This usually causes swelling in the stomach area, but it can even be noticed in other parts of the body. If, for example, your rings suddenly don’t fit you, it’s because your body retains fluids. The weight you gain usually disappears within a few days when it comes to fluid retention. But you may be dealing with weight fluctuations if you’re having problems with retention.

skin changes

Changes in skin color and texture are other possible changes. Swelling and shiny skin can mean your body is retaining too much fluid. But they are not something to be worried about as they do not cause pain or physical discomfort.

3 Causes of Water Retention

If you have bloating, look for these things.

1. High salt intake contributes to water retention

Salt is one of the parts of our diet that we can’t seem to ignore. Without it, almost any food is bland. It is a flavor enhancer, which means it enhances the flavor of everything we eat. It’s so versatile that even candy recipes ask for it. But salt is difficult to manage as too much of it can cause various health problems. One of the results of excessive salt intake is water retention. This is because salt has a high percentage of sodium, which plays a key role in regulating fluid retention.

Without consuming sodium, your body would hardly be able to retain fluid. Therefore, the average adult needs to consume no less than 180 milligrams of sodium a day and no more than 1,500 milligrams. Consuming more than 2,300 milligrams is already a problem. However, the CDC has concluded that the average American adult consumes more than 3,400 milligrams of sodium per day.

An intake of 400 milligrams of sodium is equivalent to eating one gram of table salt. Even this small amount causes retention of about two pounds of water. So the more salt you eat, the more water you will retain. But consuming too much sodium causes many other health problems, such as high blood pressure. If this excessive consumption occurs over a long period of time, it increases the risk of heart attack and stroke.

2. Swelling resulting from menstruation and hormonal changes

Hormonal imbalances that cause water retention affect women mainly because of menstruation and menopause. Of course, specific hormonal imbalances can also cause water retention in men. But the menstrual cycle causes hormonal imbalances to occur more often, disproportionately affecting women.

Most women experience mild symptoms of bloating and bloating the day before their period starts. In some cases, these symptoms may appear five days before the start of menstruation. The latter case is usually indicative of PMS (premenstrual syndrome). But in most cases, water retention peaks on the first day of menstruation. The studies show that this peak occurs when estradiol and progesterone levels are lowest during the cycle.

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Water retention is also common during pregnancy as protein levels increase during this time. In addition, extracellular fluid, plasma, and blood volume increase, which means your body retains more fluid than normal. But water retention can also occur during menopause, since during this period the body deals with a considerable loss of estrogen. This loss is associated with increased sensitivity to salt, which means your kidneys retain more salt than normal.

3. Illnesses can cause water retention

While this is not the main cause of fluid retention, it is the most serious. Various diseases can affect different mechanisms, causing the body to retain more water than it should. You won’t be able to tell right away that an infection is causing this retention. But if it persists, you should be aware of the possibility of a bigger problem.

The kidneys control the fluid levels in your body, in addition to other things. They also filter the blood and remove toxins from the body. Some of the substances that are filtered by the kidney are reabsorbed, like water. Others, such as potassium, are eliminated in the urine. Any problem that affects the kidneys can cause serious damage. Chronic kidney disease is the main public health problem worldwide.

And one of the problems it creates is water retention as the kidney cannot accurately control the fluid levels in the body. The kidneys begin to release less fluid, sometimes leading to kidney failure in the worst case. Dialysis can only solve the problem to a certain extent. In some cases, a kidney transplant is the only treatment.

Another serious condition that can cause water retention is heart failure. This is also related to the kidneys, as a weak heart pumps less blood to the kidneys. As less blood is pumped, the kidneys receive less blood. As a result, they don’t have enough fluids to pump back into the body. So, to keep sending enough blood to the kidneys, the blood retains more fluid.

how to reduce swelling

In most cases, fluid retention is a problem that resolves within a few days. Still, a healthy lifestyle and diet can go a long way in prevention and treatment. Using less salt in your diet is one of the first things you should do if you’re having problems with fluid retention. Exercise is also good as it eliminates excess fluid through sweat. As counter-intuitive as it may seem, drinking more water can also help alleviate the symptoms of fluid retention.

To relieve the immediate symptoms of swelling, you can try massaging the affected areas by stroking the heart. This will improve blood circulation, thus helping the body to release fluids. Elevating the affected part of the body above the heart will achieve the same effect. A doctor may even recommend some exercises you can do to make sure your fluid level is always under control.

If you are unable to resolve your water retention problem by changing your lifestyle, you can see your doctor and get prescription diuretics. These are pills that help the body get rid of excess fluids through urine. You should also be aware that water retention can indicate underlying medical conditions. If the problem persists, you should make an appointment with a doctor for a checkup.

If the problem is hormonal, some pills can help stabilize your hormone levels. At worst, water weight will show you are dealing with serious issues like chronic kidney disease or heart failure. In that case, your doctor will recommend hospitalization or at least ongoing medical supervision.

Final Thoughts on Things That Cause Water Retention and How to Reduce Bloating

Water retention is quite common and several factors can cause it. In most cases, there is nothing to worry about. Our bodies fluctuate constantly depending on how we go about our day. Some days you will eat more salt or exercise less, which will cause some water retention. Even hormonal imbalances caused by natural things like menstruation and pregnancy can affect how much fluid the body retains.

While water retention is usually not a cause for concern, it can also indicate serious underlying conditions. Any disease that affects the kidney will inevitably cause water retention. The most worrisome diseases that cause it are chronic heart disease and heart failure. Even hormonal conditions can cause this.

In most cases, water retention resolves itself within a few days. If you have a healthy lifestyle, you won’t even have to deal with this problem very often. But, if the problem persists, you should see a doctor for a checkup. If the cause of water retention is an illness, you will need to receive proper treatment.

By Lakeisha Ethans. Article in English

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