Valencia finds replacement for Gonçalo Guedes

the future of Goncalo Guedes it’s not clear at all Valenciaat the moment it is part of the staff of Gennaro Gattuso, but the club needs to sell players worth around 40 million euros to balance its accounts, it must also lower the wage bill and in this situation, the Portuguese’s departure would be vital. Guedes is today the player who can contribute the most money to the Mestalla team due to his high level of play, in addition, his departure would greatly reduce the wage bill.

according to account sports square, the Valencian team is moving to try to locate a substitute of guarantees in the event that Guedes ends up leaving in this transfer market, and the truth is that it would be an old acquaintance of the fans. The bet would be for the return of Bryan Gil, a player that Tottenham Hotspurs is looking for a club for this season since Antonio Conte will not have him. The Andalusian spent the last six months of last season in Mestalla and left very good feelings, in addition, he was comfortable.

willing to return

The posture of Bryan Gil It is very clear, he would be more than willing to return to Valencia, since he knows that he would have many minutes on the pitch, which is really what he wants. At the moment everything is taken with tweezers given that Gonçalo Guedes is still a Valencia player and no interesting proposals have been received for him, the club needs to sell, but they are not going to give him away.

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