Hajj sermon will be held today

The Hajj sermon will be delivered today at 1:40 PM Pakistan time.

After performing Fajr prayers in Saudi Arabia, one million pilgrims have left for Arafat Square today to perform Waqf of Arafat.

The Prophet of Islam delivered his last sermon on the plain of Arafat 1400 years ago.

According to Arab News, the pilgrims had reached the valley of Mani from Masjid-ul-Haram on Thursday.

The pilgrims will leave Arafat Square for Muzdalifah before Maghrib Adhan. In Muzdalifah, the pilgrims will perform Maghrib and Isha prayers together. They will go to Jamrat to throw stones at the devil.

The Hajj rituals began on Thursday. This year, Saudi Arabia allowed one million local and foreign pilgrims to perform the Hajj. On Thursday, millions of pilgrims circumambulated the Kaaba at the Grand Mosque.

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