How to succeed in the United States: what importers are looking for in small Spanish wineries

The wine sector in Spain has been characterized by its classicism and for resisting changes for years, but today we can already speak of modern wines in Spain; wines that compete, win and convince, and that conquer international territories for their originality and quality.

In markets such as the United States, importers are choosing more and more Spanish wineries. These are, according to Alvaro Gimenez, Gimenez & Sigwald Wine Associatesthe consultancy for the internationalization of Spanish wineries, the keys to that success:

Variety: The entire market has evolved towards a type of consumption in which variety prevails. The small Spanish wineries bring diversity to a consumer who is already bored of seeing the same references for many years on the shelves. In fact, there are retailers that are already ditching better-known wines in favor of higher-priced family wineries that add value to the range and provide higher margins to stores, which is also an important point when thinking about exporting wine to the United States. Joined.

Quality: Americans know that Spanish wine is at the same level of quality as French or Italian wines, and is also cheaper, so they are more aware of its value, what they call “value” – which we understand by ” price quality”. Even the least knowledgeable consumer knows that. It is a widespread notion among wine distribution professionals in the United States.

Personality: In terms of style, in terms of oenology, they are looking for wines with character. Less wood and more aroma, more spicy, more floral, but long wines that convince, that have personality. In this sense, Spain is a world power in creating wines that say something and that is an advantage to open the market in the US.

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Types of grape: there is total knowledge of the varieties, and in fact importers are asking that the name of the grape be expanded on the label, what variety it is, and that the winery be seen less. A lot of wine is being sold by grape variety + country: cabernet from Spain, for example. The Americans adapt to any type of grape, there is no standard grape, as here we are used to tempranillo. They know from Garnacha to Monastrell, Malbec, Shiraz, Merlot, everything. They try everything, although it is true that malbec is the best known type of grape in restaurants because it comes from Argentina and Chile.

Price: Spanish wine has competed on price for many years and right now we are trying to recognize the value of wine and raise prices a bit. Even so, it will continue to be cheaper than European competitors. The sector is trying to raise the average price, because a bad job had been done in that regard. We can afford to charge a few euros more because the consumer can absorb them calmly.

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