Max Romero: "I resigned money to play in Racing"

The front Maximilian Romero declared that he resigned money to be able to play in Racing and return to Argentine soccer after passing through PSV of the Netherlands. “I am happy to return to Argentine football. I prioritized playing over silver. I know Fernando (Gago) as a teammate but now he is in another role”said the exVélez after the medical review.

“The people of Racing will meet a more mature footballer than what they saw during my time in Vélez. I am grateful to the club for the opportunity,” added Romero, who will sign his bond with the Avellaneda entity in the next few hours and will become like this in the second reinforcement of the Academy. Romero, 23, started in Vélez where he totaled 68 games with 16 goals and in 2017 he spent 10,000,000 euros on PSV where he only played 36 games with eight goals for having twice suffered ruptured ligaments in his right knee.

Read Also:  Gerard Romero Reveals Kings League Draft Locations in Spain

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