Gerard Deulofeu prioritizes offers from Real Sociedad and Villarreal CF

Both squads will fight for the signing of the Catalan winger

The Villarreal CF and the Real society they continue to visualize alternatives for the signing of Gerard Deulofeu. Former FC striker Barcelona has had an increase in his performance since he arrived at the Udinese Calcio and has re-entered the orbit of several squads in Spain. His scoring power has increased in the course that just ended.

Let’s remember that the 28-year-old Catalan winger was important for the watfordsquad that gave him a position as owner since 2017. Of course, he lost a lot of ground with the English team, so the descent ended up being the trigger for his departure to Italy. Although he came to the Friulani Bianconeri team with many doubts, he was able to achieve continuity.

Deulofeu Betis
The Catalan attacker in the sights of Villarreal and Real Sociedad

Villarreal joins the fight for the signing of Deulofeu

Due to the performance shown by Gerard Deulofeu at Udinese, several Spanish squads are fighting for his signing, with Villarreal and Real Sociedad being the finalists in this regard. Both the yellow submarine and the txuri-urdin have the player on their agendas. Those from Anoeta were the first to make contact with the transalpines.

Such is the interest that the two entities have, that those of Imanol Alguacil already know about the conditions to have it on loan or transfer. Despite the progress they have made to close the signing of Riudarenes, they have not yet made an offer to the Stadio Friuli team.

The Royal Society has not yet made a proposal for the Catalan

Faced with this situation, Villarreal CF have joined the bid and hope to beat the txuri-urdines. From Unai Emery they want to have variants for their offense and more so when several of his troops in this demarcation have won a great poster this season.

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We will have to finally wait for what may happen with this incorporation, since there are other interested parties in Italy. SSC Napoli is one of the teams that has asked about Deulofeu, since he would be the ideal man to replace Lorenzo Insigne. Without a doubt, the Catalan will be one of the most requested in the summer market.

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