Soccer player Maximiliano Rolón and his brother Ariel died in a traffic accident

The football players Maximiliano and Ariel Rolon They died on Saturday night in a car accidentwhen the car in which they were traveling to the city of Rosario hit a tree.

According to the police report, the brothers, who worked in clubs in the Santa Fe town of Chabás, They died from injuries sustained upon impact.

According to witnesses to the accident, the car was traveling on the route 33 and in the vicinity of Pujato he crossed lanes and it crashed “in the shoulder zone” against a tree large, about 600 meters from the toll station.

The investigation of the accident was left in the hands of the prosecutor of the Public Ministry of the Accusation of Casilda, Juan Pablo Baños, who will command the required expertise to determine the causes of the accident.

Maximilian27 years old, who wore the Arsenal de Sarandí jersey in the 2017 season (he played 4 games) and was currently enlisting for Atlético Chabás of the Casildense League, developed in lower divisions in the quarry of FC Barcelona coming to play in the B team of the Blaugrana entity.

The attacking midfielder was also recognized for being part of the Argentine Under ’20 national team that qualified as South American champion in Uruguay (2015). Throughout his career, he played for Lugo (Spain), Santos (Brazil), Coquimbo Unido (Chile) and Fuerza Amarilla (Ecuador), among other clubs.

His brother Ariel30 years old and who also died in the accident, worked in Hurricane of Chabás.

Goodbye in social networks

After reporting the accident, the Argentine Football Association (AFA) He posted a message on Twitter lamenting “the physical loss of the young soccer player Maximiliano Rolón, who knew how to defend the colors of Argentina in the youth teams and who became South American U-20 champion in 2015.”

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“Much strength to your family and loved ones”wrote the entity, along with a photograph of the footballer.

Barcelona and Arsenal Fútbol Club also dedicated a few words of farewell on Twitter and recalled the player’s passage through both institutions. “Dismayed by the death of Maxi Rolón (1995), FC Barcelona youth football player between 2010 and 2016. We express our deepest condolences and all our support to his family. Rest in Peace,” published the Barcelona account.

Arsenal Fútbol Club deeply regrets the death of Maximiliano Rolón, former player of the institution, and sends his deepest condolences to family and friends. A lot of strength!”, expressed, for its part, the Sarandí club.

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