Au Revoir Cinderella seeks to bill two million with its return to retail in 2022

Au Revoir Cinderellaone of the most relevant Spanish footwear firms in Spain, seeks to match its revenue from fiscal year 2019. The goal this year is to achieve Two millions of euros. To do this, they want to promote their own firm, Of the Caves Barcelonaespecially through its own stores.

The company emerged as a blog in 2010. Later, before launching its own ecommerce, it continued its sales on the social networks Facebook and Instagram. Thus, they marketed Jeffrey Campple’s American footwear as the exclusive distributor of the brand in Spain. It is currently a business that sells brands that have an identifying seal and that stand out for their originality. The growth they have had is due to the voice they give to the fans. Specifically, on Instagram they have more than 210 thousand followers.

Before the pandemic, Au Revoir Cinderella it had eight points of sale and they were going to open two new establishments. According to Laura Méndez, founder and CEO of the company: “Consumers changed their way of seeing things and buying very quickly.” At that time, they had to close four and maintain only two of the stores in Barcelona, ​​one in Madrid and a corner in Andorra.

The turnover during 2021 was 1.2 million euros. Despite this, the figures are below the nearly two million that entered in 2019. This year they want to achieve the results they obtained before the pandemic. For this reason, they have considered returning to retail with their own brand. In his plan is the opening of small stores in Bilbao, San Sebastián or Seville. In addition, the Barcelona footwear company will launch its expansion of Of The Caves Barcelona outside of Spain. For now, it will take place in the multi-brand channel. The first territory will be Italy from next winter.

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