Businesses in Saudi Arabia issue smart, strict orders

Riyadh: A private company in the Saudi city of Khamis Mushait has taken advantage of a government-granted “trade cover” deadline.

According to Saudi media, the Ministry of Commerce said in a statement issued yesterday that a company in Khamis Mushait had been doing lighting business for seven years, with an annual income of more than ten million riyals.

The Ministry of Commerce said that taking advantage of the deadline to bring trade cover under the purview of law, the company avoided legal action by bringing its business under the purview of law.

A statement from the Ministry of Commerce said that the foreign owner of the company had registered the company in the name of another Saudi, and that his business was now in accordance with the law.

It is to be noted that investigations are underway in various regions of the kingdom after the deadline for reforming the anti-trade cover-up in Saudi Arabia was lifted. Was gone

Last year, a six-month deadline was also extended, with the deadline set for February 17, saying that during this time, the owners of the commercial enterprises must make corrections or face severe action.

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