Turkey wants to change its name so that it is no longer confused with turkey

Turkey’s official name may soon change internationally. This is what President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a press release published in early January and relayed by Le Figaro.

Wishing to definitively dissociate its English name from the term designating the turkey (“turkey”), the country has chosen to call itself “Türkiye” from now on. This word “represents and best expresses the culture, civilization and values ​​of the Turkish nation”, explains Erdogan in his press release. “’Türkiye’ is the name used for the country in Turkish and now the country wants to carry this name internationally. »

A change not yet official

This new name could henceforth be used in the various international exchanges, institutions and “in all types of activities” where this would prove necessary. The words “Made in Turkey” would thus be replaced by “Made in Türkiye”.

However, this change is not yet official. The new name must be approved by the United Nations. However, the Turkish Minister of Foreign Affairs already uses it, and the ministry’s website now indicates in its French version “République de Türkiye”.

To accompany this change, a vast communication campaign called “Hello Türkiye” was launched. This new identity could quickly be integrated into international debates, particularly those concerning the country’s foreign and economic policy.

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