Coffee, handmade tobacco cigars and Larimar handicrafts attract attention at the Dominican stand

Two important attractions for Spaniards and Dominicans activated the interest of visitors to the stand of the Dominican Republic, a partner country of the 42nd edition of the International Tourism Fair (FITUR 2022), and these were the tasting of various types of coffee grown in different provinces of the country. country like Barahona, in Pico Duarte, and in Ocoa.

The Poesía Colada y Cacao company occupies a cubicle in which it strains the coffee that visitors like and shows them how to pour the different flavors without added sugar or with added Dominican cocoa chocolate.

The other attraction is an artisan sitting at a table with all her instruments making handmade cigars with pure Dominican tobacco, grown in the country.

In addition to these attractions, there are artisans of Amber stones, pearls and Larimar, a unique stone in the world and that is taken from mines in the community of Enriquillo, Barahona. Larimar is a blue stone with an important history that only appears in the Dominican Republic.

Other artisan attractions can be seen in this tourist fair aimed at consolidating the recovery of tourism in the world, attracting investment and generating more jobs in an industry that, in the Dominican case, represents about 16% of its gross domestic product (GDP).


 handmade cigars

With the “capote” what the artisan calls “gut” is covered. He shows how he mixes tobacco leaves of two types, one of the light type. “This is a Dominican Creole tobacco grown in Villa González, Santiago, explains Mercedes Henríquez.

He works the Dominican cigar in Villa González, in the National Institute of Tobacco (Intabaco), Other times he has come to FITUR and this time he does not stop expressing his emotion that it is the first time that he will see up close the kings of Spain and the Dominican President Luis Abinader on his tour of the fair.

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With unparalleled dexterity, the tobacco artisan uses a wet wrapper in order to achieve a uniform cigar and forms it in a wooden press at her side.


Dominican coffee

Sofía Tarrazo is the owner of the café with which she seeks to change the routine with experience and that is why they call her business Poesía Colada y Cacao. The idea is that when tasting the coffee people “travel” directly to the origin and taste the flavor of coffee from Barahona, Ocoa and Jarabacoa.

Feel that coffee is poetic from picking to roasting. Sofia presents “the wheel of flavors” that can be perceived in a coffee and showed how to read it, whether citrus or fruity. Visitors to FITUR 2022 make a stop here to taste Dominican coffee.

FITUR 2022 takes place from this 19th to the 23rd of this month at the IFEMA fairgrounds, Madrid, Spain, where a larger stand is observed than on other occasions, this time being the Dominican Republic a partner country.


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