One of Google’s main investment points is mapping each and every street in the world. Now, Google Maps has introduced new satellite images of Taiwan. Where it turned out to reveal great details of a secret military base.
This was until now one of the secret military bases that played an important role in the country’s defenses. In the revealed images, the detail is incredible, where the exact type of missile launcher present in the base can even be distinguished.
Google Maps continues to present itself as one of the company’s most useful and complete services, receiving constant updates and large additions to its already gigantic database.
It is not the first time that a military base ceases to be secret thanks to Google Maps
Especially in the case of Taiwan, it is very important that its defense military bases remain secret. This is because they are still under great pressure from the Chinese government. Having even suffered some threats that China might try to ‘reconquer’ its territory by force.
According to the Taiwan Defense Minister. They have already created a specific team to communicate with Google. To ensure that these “sensitive” locations are not visible on Google Maps.
Furthermore, the Minister assured the people of Taiwan that these revelations do not endanger the security of the country. Affirming that military defense bases in times of peace do not reflect their positions in times of war.
This isn’t the first time Google Maps has revealed “secret” details of various military bases, and it certainly won’t be the last. In fact, the peculiar events captured by the ‘magical’ car of Google Maps are incredible. In this article you can see some of the funniest we’ve talked about in a long time.