Napoli forget Digne and focus on one of the best full-backs in La Liga

As reported by the English media Sky Sports, the Napoli is targeting Mathías Olivera to reinforce the left-back in this winter transfer market with the aim of taking a quality leap at the individual level and qualifying for the next edition of the UEFA Champions League.

Napoli tried to sign Lucas Digne in this period, but the economic demands of Everton (everything has closed with Aston Villa so that it arrives in the next few days) so it has focused on the Uruguayan left-back of Getafe, who has surrendered at a very high level for three years and that he is ready to make the leap in quality to a superior team. Aurelio De Laurentiis, president of the partenopeo team, will try to request his loan with an option to buy in the summer transfer market. Mathías Olivera could leave if the azulón team accepts the proposal.


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