Isco is the icing on the cake for Real Sociedad to reach the Champions League

From the txuri-urdin box they are clear about the arrival of the midfielder

Isco It is still one of the great objectives of the next market and one of the clubs that have valued its arrival is the Real society. The team that commands Imanol Sheriff wants to have men of great talent and quality in the center of the field and the one that sounds the most is that of the Real Madrid.

Although the merengue footballer has been in the plans of the Sevilla FC, from the sports management at the head of Monchi not decided yet. This is what various teams want to take advantage of in LaLiga Santander, which are willing to offer you alternatives to Malaga. In turn, the player aims to get minutes.

Seville Isco Alarcón
The malagueño would be in the plans of the Real Sociedad

Isco would be in the plans of the Real Sociedad

And it is that Isco ends his contract with Real Madrid in June and that is where Real Sociedad intends to win in his signing. The txuri-urdin team wants to be a direct competitor of the Hispanics, although they will not be the only ones in the race for one of the highest quality players in Spain.

Those commanded by Imanol Alguacil have expressed wanting to have experienced players on their team. This on account of the objective that has been raised from the sports management, which is none other than fighting for the UEFA Champions League title. It won’t be easy at all, but you want to have the tools for it.

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The txuri-urdin team wants to be a protagonist in the Champions League

In this way, Isco could join Real Sociedad, being a club where he could be a key player. The team has all the components to be solid and the Real Madrid footballer would fit perfectly between the coach’s plans. Of course, they will have a top-level competitor.

This is Tottenham Hotspur, who will not make the conditions at all simple. This is due to the request made by Antonio Conte, who wants to add the midfielder at all costs to strengthen his project. We will have to finally wait for what may happen to the future of the Malaga player who is ready to leave a club where he is discarded.

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