Alternative to Godín at Betis annoys Sevilla FC

The plan B of the verdiblanco club in case the Uruguayan does not arrive

For weeks they have been talking about the possibility that the Uruguayan defender Diego Godin arrive at Betis in january. Although the negotiations have not been ruled out, they have not advanced either, and that makes think Antonio Cordon to go looking for some alternatives. One of them could come from South America, exactly from the River Plate.

By coincidence, the player in question is also the target of the Seville, which makes a huge offer through its sports director Monchi. In this way, both Sevillian teams will fight in the offices for the services of the Chilean Paulo Diaz. The 27-year-old defender could make the great leap to Europe at the hands of Lopetegui or his compatriot Manuel Pellegrini.

Betis Godin
Paulo Díaz will be free next year and could go to Betis or Seville.

The Sevillian derby that Betis wants to win to relieve Godín

As we mentioned before, the possibility that the Uruguayan player reaches the Betic table has not yet been ruled out. Similarly, they have not made any progress in the negotiations, and Pellegrini already fears the worst. The coach wants to secure a signing for his defense, and has already requested the services of the defender at River Plate.

Sevilla for its part has also been interested in the sports rights of the player, who will soon end his contract with the millionaire entity. This makes the signing attractive and therefore the two Sevillian clubs will fight as if it were a derby, but this time, off the pitch.

Godín and Paulo Díaz could arrive together at Betis

The Verdiblanco club could finalize the operation so that both defenders arrive at Pellegrini’s squad. However, there is a condition for the double handover to be possible. In the first place, there would have to be two places, for the two signings. One of those who has the most options to leave is the former culé player Marc Bartra, who is precisely the target of Barcelona.

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The other place to be released is the one that the Argentine Germán Pezzella now has, who does not have a good time in the Betic team. The former Fiorentina arrived with a high level but lately he has left spaces that have caused him goals against. Antonio Cordón thinks about granting the player’s loan for one or two seasons. Fulfilling this, the heliopolitan box would be ready to receive the Chilean and the Uruguayan.

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