Leonel, as a family, dinner at the house of Dona Norma Díaz

The former president of the Republic and president of the People’s Force, Leonel Fernández, dined at the home of the legendary sports leader Doña Norma Díaz.

Fernández, a lover of baseball, and the president of the renowned league that bears his name chatted animatedly for more than two hours about her history.

“This Thursday night I had the honor of being invited to dinner with Dona Norma, a sports leader, who lives in Los Mina, to treat us with some delicious tostones, salad, sheet cakes and roast meat. They treated me like family, ”Fernández said.

He stated that he was very touched by their affection, respect and grateful for their exquisite food.

"Happy Christmas Eve to all the Dominican people!", he stressed. The activity was attended by the former Minister of Sports, Felipe Payano, member of the Sports Secretariat of the People’s Force, Alexandra Peña, of the central direction of the People’s Force in the Santo Domingo Province, among other leaders.

Doña Norma recalled the great support her league received in the three administrations of President Fernández.

Immediately afterwards, she stressed that the doors of the office of the then Sports Minister, Felipe -Jey- Payano were always open both for her and for her son Héctor Díaz, who manages the day-to-day life of the entity.

During the dinner, which was characterized by joviality, anecdotes and mutual affection, former president Fernández spoke extensively with Doña Norma about the world of baseball, and learned even more about how the traditional Doña Norma Díaz League that operates in Los Mina works. .

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The former president was surprised when Díaz, promoted to Old Glory of Sports during Payano’s efforts in Miderec, told him that she was a receiver.

Fernández felt so good at the meeting that somehow this meeting filled a void because he confessed that he always had dinner at the home of his mother Yolanda Reina, who died this year at the age of 91, the same as Norma has.


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