Valdez receives the IMF and they will evaluate the economy

The Governor of the Central Bank (BCRD), Héctor Valdez Albizu, received in person the head of mission of the International Monetary Fund (IMF), Esteban Vesperoni, who counted in virtual mode with the members of his work team, who will jointly carry out an evaluation of the recent performance of the Dominican economy, its macroeconomic projections and the implementation of policies.

Valdez Albizu offered a general overview of the state of the economy of the Dominican Republic with the most relevant data regarding growth, monetary policy, inflation and the behavior of the external sector.

Regarding growth, the governor stated that the DR continues its sustained recovery process, highlighting the monthly economic activity indicator (IMAE) for January-September of 12.7%, influenced by the good performance of sectors with a high production chain (construction, local manufacturing, free trade zones and commerce.

“Growth projections for 2021 point to an expansion of more than 10%, which could be around 10.7%,” he estimated.

GDP will close 10.7%
“Growth projections for 2021 point to an expansion of more than 10%, which could be around 10.7%,” said the BCRD governor.



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