They maintain the strike in the Bolivian province of Santa Cruz until the repeal of Law 1386 is made official

The Civic Committee of Santa Cruz, along with other associations and sectors, have mobilized again this Sunday to maintain the general stoppage of activity in Bolivia until the Government of the country completes the repeal of Law 1386 against money laundering, announced this Saturday.

"The people of Santa Cruz, represented by different sectors (…) have resolved to maintain the general strike until the law that will repeal 1386 is enacted.", announced this Sunday the leader of the Committee, Rómulo Calvo, during a concentration in the city of Santa Cruz de la Sierra, picks up the local newspaper ‘La Razón’.

Likewise, he has warned that the population will remain "alert to any other legislative attempt that seeks to violate your rights and constitutional guarantees", and has valued the need for "keep feeding the unit" among the population sectors since their "fight continues".

The president of Bolivia, Luis Arce, announced this Saturday the repeal of Law 1386 against money laundering that unions and carriers cited as the main obstacle to negotiating with the Government in the framework of the indefinite national strike.

"We have made the decision to repeal Law 1386 in order to pave the way so that there is not the greatest pretext to continue mourning, mistreating and paralyzing our economy"Arce declared during a press conference.

He also defended that his Government had followed up on what was happening in the protests, sending ministers to have a "more direct contact" with organizations that "apparently" They were having "observations to the law".

The Bolivian president admitted that, indeed, there were "factors (of the law) that were affecting and disturbing certain social sectors such as trade unions and transportation", but he also attributed part of the questioning to a "political agenda".

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Meanwhile, the president of the Chamber of Deputies, Freddy Mamani, has called a session this Monday to analyze the project that definitively repeals the questioned Law 1386

The Confederation of Trade Unions and the transporters met on Friday in the Bolivian city of Cochabamba to define their response to the call of the Executive to dialogue to try to solve the current conflict in the country, and agreed not to talk until the law in question was repealed .


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