Former FARC guerrilla denounces the capture in Mexico of one of its leaders at the request of Colombia

The former FARC guerrilla denounced on Tuesday the capture in Mexico of one of its former peace negotiators and leaders at the request of the Colombian government to Interpol.

Known as the "chancellor" of the FARC during the time of the conflict, Rodrigo Granda was detained by Interpol attending a "red circular"Congressmen Carlos Lozada and Pablo Catatumbo, leaders of the Comunes party that emerged from the peace agreement with the former guerrilla, said on Twitter.

"Rodrigo Granda was arrested in Mexico City"Carlos Lozada tweeted, who presented the event as "a clear violation" to the 2016 pact negotiated in Cuba that ended more than half a century of rebel struggle.

According to the parliamentarian, Granda traveled with authorization from the special peace court that investigates the worst crimes committed in the context of the conflict with the defunct Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC).

The former rebels are responding before that court for crimes such as kidnapping and recruitment of minors, without having yet been convicted.

"We are informed that the government of @IvanDuque asked Interpol to activate a red circular while it was flying to Mexico, in clear violation of the Peace Agreement"Lozada emphasized.

The government has not yet ruled on the ex-guerrilla’s complaint.

Granda, who in 2005 was arrested in Venezuela in a covert operation and later transferred to Colombia when he was working as an international liaison for the FARC, was one of the peace negotiators in Havana.

His arrest, not yet confirmed by authorities, occurs just over a month after the fifth anniversary of the agreement that the guerrillas then signed with President Juan Manuel Santos, who received the Nobel Peace Prize in 2016.

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Comunes also accused President Iván Duque, Santos’s successor, of following "attacking the peace process". "Respect those of us who believe in peace and do your duty to let us participate in politics!"snapped the left-wing party on Twitter.



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