NBA earthquake: Nets remove Kyrie Irving from team

The start of the regular season is approaching, on October 19, and Kyrie Irving still does not give his arm to twist, does not want to be vaccinated. If the Nets point guard does not get the vaccine, he will not be able to play home games due to New York City sanitary protocols. Irving, pI would go from being a star player to one in rotation, since he would lose about 40 games at home. But according to the latest information from the United States, it is not even going to be that. The Brooklyn Nets have decided to remove Irving from the squad dynamic until he is vaccinated. They do not count on him for away games or for any training. A real blow to one of its stars who had even managed to slip the possibility of retiring if this situation arose.

Hours before it was the insider of the NBA, Adrián Wojnarowski, who gave the last “updates“Of this situation on ESPN:”This is the true moment of truth for the Nets and the organization. The owner, Joseph Tsai, Sean Marks, his general manager, Kevin Durant and James Harden have a tremendous voice in this.. Together they are going to be part of that decision on whether they will allow Kyrie Irving to not be vaccinated and ineligible to play home games or not available to play at Madison Square Garden against the Knicks. Are they going to let me be a part-time gamer? Are they going to let him in and out of the lineup all season? They don’t want distractions, they need you to get vaccinated so you can play. If Kyrie Irving doesn’t get vaccinated, they’ll make a decision again, and I think the stakes are high, not just Kyrie Irving’s short-term future in Brooklyn, but his long-term future as well.”.

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