5 DIY Cleaning Solutions for a Greener Home

Using homemade cleaning products offers a multitude of benefits for your health, the environment, and your wallet. They are a safer, greener, and more economical alternative to commercial cleaning products.

The benefits of using homemade cleaning products are numerous:

To health:
• Safer: Made with natural ingredients, they do not contain aggressive chemicals that can cause respiratory, dermatological, hormonal, or immunological problems.
• Hypoallergenic: Ideal for people with allergies or sensitivity to chemicals, as they do not cause allergic reactions or headaches.
• Protects the skin: Gentler on the skin, mucous membranes, and respiratory tract, avoiding irritation, burns, or even poisoning.

For the environment:
• More ecological: Manufactured with renewable and sustainable raw materials, they do not deplete natural resources or contribute to climate change.
• Biodegradable: They do not contaminate water or air, as they decompose naturally.
• Reduces plastic waste: By making them at home, you avoid the generation of plastic waste from the packaging of commercial products.

For your pocket:
• More economical: Significantly cheaper than commercial cleaning products, as they use simple and readily available ingredients.
• Performs more: Large quantities of products can be prepared with a small investment, making them longer lasting.
• Greater control of ingredients: By making them at home, you have the security of knowing exactly what ingredients are being used.

Here are 5 formulas to make your own household cleaning products:

1. All-Purpose Cleaner:
• Ingredients: 2 cups white vinegar, 2 cups distilled water, 20 drops lemon or lavender essential oil (optional)
• Preparation: Mix all ingredients in a spray bottle, shake well before use, and apply to the surface to be cleaned.

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2. Laundry Detergent:
• Ingredients: 1 bar of grated soap (200g), 2 cups borax (400g), 2 cups baking soda (400g), 20 drops lemon essential oil (optional), water (as necessary)
• Preparation: Grate the soap into a large pot, add the borax, baking soda, and essential oil (if using), and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes, then let cool and store in an airtight container.

3. Fabric Softener:
• Ingredients: 2 cups white vinegar, 2 cups distilled water, 20 drops lavender or geranium essential oil (optional)
• Preparation: Mix all ingredients in a spray bottle, shake well before use, and add 1/4 cup to the fabric softener compartment of the washing machine.

4. Furniture Cleaner:
• Ingredients: 1/2 cup olive oil, 1/4 cup white vinegar, 10 drops lemon or orange essential oil (optional)
• Preparation: Mix all ingredients in a small container, apply a small amount to a soft cloth, and wipe the furniture. Polish with a clean cloth.

5. Multipurpose Disinfectant:
• Ingredients: 1 cup distilled water, 1/4 cup white vinegar, 20 drops tea tree or eucalyptus essential oil
• Preparation: Mix all ingredients in a spray bottle, shake well before use, and spray on the surface to be disinfected. Let it sit for a few minutes before wiping with a damp cloth.


• Always use high-quality ingredients.
• Clearly label all bottles with the contents and manufacturing date.
• Store homemade cleaning products in a cool, dark place.
• Test homemade cleaning products on a small, inconspicuous area before using them on the entire surface.
• Do not use homemade cleaning products on surfaces that may be damaged by vinegar or essential oil.

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