3 players that Simeone does not want to see at Atlético in the summer

Atlético’s season has been a real disaster at all levels but Simeone will continue for another season as coach of the rojiblanco team and will lead the new sports project

Much has been said during the season about the exit of Simeone of the Atletico Madrid. Everything seemed to indicate at the end of 2022 that his stage at the rojiblanco club had come to an end. It was not for less, since the team had said goodbye to all the titles in the middle of the season. Logically, the coach was the main target, but the situation has changed drastically in recent months.

The team has not only finished the season performing at a very good level, but we already know that the Argentine coach will remain in charge for at least one more year. Thus, Simeone will once again lead the Atlético de Madrid project. A project that will undergo a multitude of changes in a year that is coming up very busy in this transfer window.

Simeone puts three Atlético players on the starting ramp
Simeone is clear about his discard list

Simeone is clear about which players he does not want at Atlético

One of the players who Simeone does not want to see for any reason in the Atlético preseason is Joao Félix. Since the beginning of the year, the relationship between the Portuguese player and the Argentine coach has been completely broken. That is why he was loaned out to Chelsea in the winter market after several games as a substitute.

But he’s not the only one going out. Another who also does not enter into Simeone’s plans is Geoffrey Kondogbia, who has only completed three games so far this year. In fact, in the month of May he has only played nine minutes, something that shows that he is not a footballer to the taste of the Argentine coach.

Morata, the last one on the exit ramp

In last place we have a footballer who, although he does not have a bad relationship with Simeone, is on the starting ramp. Is about Álvaro Morata, who if he stays will continue to play an important role in the team. However, the idea of ​​the club and the coach is for him to be transferred to make room for the new signings.

Thus, the rojiblanca sports management is already working on the departures of Joao Félix, Geoffrey Kondogbia and Álvaro Morata. Three players who have been important in certain sections of the season but who now see how the road comes to an end. All because they do not enjoy Simeone’s confidence in Atlético de Madrid. Something that is essential knowing the type of coach that the Argentine is.

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