2 second-tier destinations for Carlos Sainz if he leaves Ferrari

The Madrid driver has important opportunities to get out of his losing streak

The crisis that is lived in Ferrari because of what happens with Carlos Sainz is well known to allas after the disappointment of falling out of the championship fight with Max Verstappen and Red Bull, the Italians were expected to step up in 2023.

However, things were the opposite. The Ferrari team, with Carlos Sainz, took a step back and is far from fighting for the podiums. The emergence of Aston Martin and the great moment that Fernando Alonso is currently experiencing has left them far behind in both championships.

carlos sainz monaco
Sainz has dps key offers in case of leaving Ferrari

The Maranello team fails to have the best results for this season

And it is that for a few weeks there have been comments that Hamilton could reach Ferrari. This after his contract with Mercedes is still not renewed. And many times it has been said from Italy that Sainz is considered a step below Leclercwho continues with the label of possible world champion.

So a departure from the Italian team might not be bad news for the man from Madrid, since he would take pressure off himself and receive much better treatment. However, his fans are waiting for what can happen with the pilot and his future team.

The future of Carlos Sainz at Ferrari is already more than decided for 2024

“Alpha Tauri, with Nyck De Vries and Yuki Tsunoda as team drivers, the Italians think of Sainz to make a leap in quality. Alpine, who decided not to renew Fernando Alonso the previous season, is also considering presenting an offer to the Madrid driver”, reported a media outlet.

Read Also:  Carlos Sainz Set to Shine in Barcelona

Definitely, His future in Italian boxing remains a real unknown. In fact, the poor performance of the car is blamed directly on Sainz. Thus, the Spaniard, whose contract ends in 2024 and which includes performance clauses, is on a tightrope and could leave sooner rather than later.

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