13 reasons why you feel emotionally drained

As you make your way through life, it’s easy to feel emotionally drained if you’re overly sensitive. Whether you’re experiencing stressors due to your job, relationships, health, or other parts of life, these stressors have a strong impact on your emotional well-being.

Unfortunately, people are so preoccupied with fitness, job promotions, or the perfect relationship that they neglect their emotions.

It is critical to identify why emotional burnout is occurring so that we can take the first step towards healing and feeling better. Often times, recognizing the causes behind negative emotions can allow us to change our habits, lifestyle and thought patterns for the better.

Being emotionally drained can happen to anyone at any time as there are triggers that can lead to it. Keep reading to discover the many reasons why you might be feeling emotionally drained.

13 reasons why you feel emotionally drained

1. Your work life makes you feel emotionally drained.

Countless studies show that certain jobs affect emotions more than others. Experts have found that emotionally demanding careers such as teachers, healthcare professionals and activists are highly likely to negatively affect employees’ emotional well-being.

If your job requires you to use your emotions to get things done, it can overwhelm you and make it difficult to connect with positive emotions outside of the workplace. Consequently, it can affect your home life, intimate relationships, and satisfaction with your daily routine.

2. You are a member of an unhealthy or toxic work environment

While the last point mentions that certain work environments are more emotionally demanding than others, any workplace can become emotionally draining if the environment is stressful and toxic.

In extreme cases, some workplaces even develop abusive relationships between supervisors, employees and colleagues. Suppose you feel that you are often undervalued at work, asked to perform tasks outside your job description, asked to work overtime, or physically or emotionally abused by people in your workplace. In this case, these are clear reasons for emotional exhaustion.

3. You are experiencing instability at work

If you are not currently employed, this can also affect your emotional well-being. Job insecurity is a stressful part of life, no matter who you are. The studies show that the issue of job insecurity increases significantly due to uncertainty.

Uncertainty is enough to drain anyone emotionally, even more so if job insecurity goes with it. This results in an emotional withdrawal from family life. It can also affect your self-esteem and mental well-being. Unfortunately, most of the time, job instability is out of our hands. Therefore, learning strategies for dealing with emotional burnout is essential if you are experiencing job insecurity.

4. You are facing financial stress or poverty

This is similar to the last point, but it’s worth mentioning on its own. Sometimes even our jobs are insufficient to pay bills and manage other financial obligations. Constantly falling into debt or drowning in a sea of ​​bills can leave you feeling helpless, stressed and emotionally drained. Breaking out of poverty can be challenging and can seem like an impossible goal. However, there are still things we can do and strategies we can learn to avoid the heartbreak that comes with being emotionally drained.

5. You have health problems when you are emotionally drained.

It is well known that when we have health problems, we often feel physically exhausted. But the overlooked part of that conversation is the toll that physical and psychiatric health issues can take on our emotional well-being.

When facing health problems, it is common to have difficulty in functioning normally. Things like getting out and socializing, getting enough sleep, and being there for our loved ones can be challenging and sometimes impossible. This is a very valid reason to feel emotionally drained.

6. You are experiencing turmoil in your interpersonal relationships

Relationships can be the most beautiful part of life. Unfortunately, they also have the potential to be one of the most stressful parts of life. This is exacerbated if the relationship in question is a romantic one. When fundamental disagreements or differences occur between spouses or partners, it can create an enormous amount of emotional distress.

Sometimes, when we focus on family life, parenting, and household chores, we forget to work on the emotional side of marriage. This can leave both parties feeling emotionally drained as that part of them is left feeling unsatisfied.

7. You don’t have time for yourself

If you live a very demanding life, managing your time in a way that allows you to focus on yourself can be a challenge. Sometimes it may even seem selfish to take time for yourself, but in reality, alone time improves your life and positively impacts those you interact with.

When we have time to ourselves, it gives us space to do the hobbies we love and really relax. However, when that time is taken away from us, it prevents us from properly processing and managing our emotions.

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8. You don’t get enough sleep, which leads to feelings of emotional exhaustion.

emotionally exhausted, stress, work, relationships, unemployment, partner, family, exhaustion

Any doctor will tell you that sleep is essential for all human beings to function at their best. Unfortunately, many of us lose sight of this advice and don’t prioritize sleep. This happens a lot with people who work long hours, have young children or have sleep disorders such as insomnia.

When we are physically exhausted, it affects our entire body. There are many correlations found between physical exhaustion and mental or emotional exhaustion.

9. You are not eating a healthy and nutritious diet

It seems strange to say that the food we eat has anything to do with emotions. But studies show that what we eat when we eat and our relationship with food can have a significant impact on our emotions.

If you routinely pick up an order of cheap fast food and eat it in the car on the way home, your relationship with food could make you feel worse overall. Throughout history, humans have loved sharing food with others, preparing it, and eating healthy food that will make us feel better.

If you’re feeling emotionally drained, try to slow down and enjoy a meal with your loved ones. You might be surprised at the difference it makes!

10. You spend an unhealthy amount of time on social media.

Although social media has only been around for the last few decades, researchers agree that it can negatively affect emotions and overall well-being if not used in moderation. Social media can affect our self-confidence, our social skills and our anxieties in general. Also, social media is a fascinating place to explore.

For example, if you scroll through images, news or videos, you could be exposed to happy stories, sad stories and information that makes you angry simultaneously. If you’re already struggling to avoid feeling emotionally drained, taking a break from screen time might just make you feel better.

11. You are experiencing a life changing event

Whether you’re moving to a new city, starting a new job, or ending a relationship, these big life changes can exacerbate stress. When we break our routine and have to focus on change, we are more susceptible to feeling emotionally drained.

This can happen even if you are happy and positive about your move. To try and balance these emotions during the high-stress changes in your life, do your best to plan and ensure you have enough time to take care of yourself to ease the transition.

12. You are taking on too many things at once

It’s good to keep a full schedule with various activities in your day to day. But knowing how much is too much for you can be a challenge. Committing to too many things at once can create internal conflicts and emotional turmoil.

For example, let’s say you work full time, do extracurricular activities, volunteer in the community, care for loved ones, and attend school full time. If you find it difficult to relax at the end of the day or feel energized in the morning, cutting back on one of these activities may help. This doesn’t mean you should stop doing what you love, but maybe consider studying part-time or just volunteering once a week.

13. Grieving the loss of a loved one makes you feel emotionally drained

Tragically, a loss is something we all have to overcome at some point in our lives. The death of a loved one is a very common trigger and reason for emotional exhaustion. Losing someone we love dearly can leave us feeling empty, devastated and unsure of how to proceed in daily life.

Additionally, we may find it difficult to experience core emotions such as happiness and joy during grief. However, the negative emotions associated with this life event can be more than exhausting. That’s why it’s so important to learn healthy mechanisms to face and overcome grief and, in some cases, turning to a professional can be very beneficial.

Final thoughts on some reasons why you feel emotionally drained

Now that we know the reasons and triggers for emotional exhaustion, it’s essential to take the next step in learning how to overcome this feeling.

It is vital to act as soon as possible, as emotionally exhausted people are often in a constant state of stress.

Stress can wreak havoc on the body and mind, and no one should experience it on a daily basis. If you’re struggling because you feel emotionally drained, try telling a loved one or healthcare professional, or go your own independent path to learn how to overcome this feeling.


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