10 benefits of quitting drinking

There are studies that explain how consuming alcohol in moderation can be beneficial for us. For example, drinking a glass of wine every day with dinner can benefit your overall health, including reducing your chances of cardiovascular disease and diabetes.

However, many people who drink alcohol do not consume it in moderation, and studies show that heavy drinkers (equivalent to 4 or more drinks a day and 8 or more in a week) increase the risk of certain diseases, some types of cancer and even brain damage.

As there are many more negative risks associated with alcohol consumption than positive ones, reducing or even completely eliminating it has many more benefits for overall health and quality of life. These benefits include:

Reduced risk of heart disease

In John Hopkins Medicine, it is stated that alcohol consumption can lead to high blood pressure, heart failure or stroke, and there is even a condition called cardiomyopathy, in which it can literally weaken the heart.

But, of course, complications can increase if you don’t lead a healthy lifestyle, if you don’t consume enough nutrients and if you don’t exercise regularly. To reduce your risk of heart disease, the Top 10 Tips for a Healthy Heart offer positive lifestyle habits that include limiting alcohol consumption, following a healthy eating plan, and staying physically active.

Reduced risk of cancer

Alcohol is carcinogenic. The CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention) states that any type of alcohol, regardless of the amount consumed, can increase the chances of contracting cancer of the esophagus, mouth and, in the case of women, breast. Alcohol turns into acetaldehyde when we consume it, a chemical that damages our DNA. When our DNA is damaged, it prevents cells from repairing any damage. Be sure to include antioxidants in your diet, such as vitamins A, C, E, as they are linked to cancer prevention and can help repair cellular damage.

extended life

CNN stated that more than 350 grams of alcohol a week can shorten a person’s life by 4-5 years, 200-350 grams a week can shorten it by 1-2 years, and drinking only 100 grams a week (7 drinks ) .can shorten someone’s life by 6 months. In order for us to live long and healthy lives, we need to maintain healthy lifestyles. To do this, eating foods rich in vitamins and nutrients, staying hydrated, engaging in regular physical activity, and limiting alcohol intake can help extend our lives.

Weight loss

Alcohol induces cravings and slows metabolism. This will increase the amount of food you eat and accumulate extra calories. Also, your liver starts using the alcohol for energy and any extra energy that hasn’t been burned off is stored as fat. Instead of drinking alcohol, you can try soaking in kombucha, which contains acetic acid to reduce hunger, bloating, and keep your body from turning to fat. Kombucha also boosts your energy levels and reduces inflammation, especially after heavy drinking.

best memory

In the Alcohol Rehabilitation Guide, it is explained that alcohol slows down the signals that are sent from neuron to neuron. The hippocampus part of the brain is damaged, causing short-term memory loss and loss of brain cells. As this continues, permanent damage can occur to your brain, making it difficult for you to retain new memories. If you’ve been drinking heavily and think your brain has suffered some damage, here are some ways to improve your brain health. Some of these ways include exercise, which stimulates the growth factors that help brain cells survive and stay healthy, and exploration, which stimulates the brain with new information.

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Compared to other liquids, alcohol removes fluid from the body faster. This is what causes dehydration and leads to a hangover, which has symptoms of weakness, vomiting, mood swings, and more. Not only that, but your muscles can become stiff or cramped, and your kidneys and liver can be damaged. Always stay hydrated and drink lots of water. This article, Flushed Away: The Urinary System, explains the basic anatomy of the urinary system and why alcohol makes you go to the bathroom more often and how drinking water can help.

improved skin

As alcohol dehydrates the body, hormone levels and oxidative stress change, which can cause acne. Furthermore, as Insider states, “dehydrates the skin and makes wrinkles and pores more visible”. Inflammation can even occur, making your skin look puffy! To allow our skin to heal, coconut oil and egg yolk are some examples of some foods that balance hormones and lower oxidative stress to give us back healthy and glowing skin.

Increased sleep quality

According to the Sleep Foundation, alcohol can disrupt the circadian rhythm, which is what helps us time our sleep and how we wake up. When your circadian rhythm is affected, your REM sleep can also be affected, making it harder for your body to rest and relax. Try eating some oatmeal or drinking chamomile tea to help you sleep from the alcohol. Oatmeal is rich in melatonin and chamomile tea reduces anxiety, which is often caused or increased by alcohol consumption.

stop drinking alcohol, alcoholism, cancer, skin, kidneys, liver, energy, depression

better mental health

Alcohol use can contribute to mood disorders such as anxiety, depression and aggression. This is because it causes an imbalance in our brain chemicals. When we consume alcohol, more dopamine and serotonin are released, but as we continue to drink, dysregulation occurs, making negative feelings seem much worse when sober. Some ways to improve your mental health after drinking alcohol are talking to someone, exercising, and taking care of yourself. Talking to someone can help you release stress, exercising can help you boost your energy which can also improve your mood, and taking care of yourself can help you get to know yourself better and give you what you need to be. happy.

Better overall physical health

Reducing alcohol consumption can improve your immune system. One way is that it can improve your oral health, making you less prone to oral complications like gingivitis and oral cancer. Another way is that because alcohol actually weakens your immune system, you can be more protected against colds, flu, viruses and infections.

Compared to the small amount of benefit that one alcoholic drink a day can bring people, there are many negative side effects to overcome them. Even a small amount of alcohol can cause short-term negative effects that can later turn into long-term negative complications. The damage hits your brain, your heart, your physical health and your mental health, making it difficult to live a longer, healthier life. Of course, not everyone can stop drinking alcohol right away, but cutting back gradually and adopting some healthy lifestyles is enough to help improve anyone’s health!


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