The Ukrainian President, Volodymyr Zelensky, the army high command has warned about this “Big mistake” to get involved in politicsafter the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces, General Valeri Zaluzhni said the war had stalled and it was difficult to make significant progress.
“When you fight a war, taking into account that tomorrow you will be involved in politics or elections, then you behave like a politician with your words and on the front line and not like a soldier, and I think that is a big problem. “Mistake,” the Ukrainian president told the newspaper “The Sun”.
“Various political forces are pushing the military into politics” assured Zelensky, who insisted on the “grave mistake” that political parties wanted to have “war stars” in their ranks.
“With all due respect to General Zaluzhni and all the commanders who are on the battlefield, there is a complete understanding of the hierarchy (…) there cannot be two, three, four, five. It is one, according to the law, and in wartime it cannot even be discussed,” Zelensky said, referring to his order.
He warned that not only does this “not lead to the unity of the nation,” but also that senior military commanders risk being disobeyed by their soldiers if they do not act as politicians.
Recently, Zaluzhni told The Economist that there had been a “stalemate” in the war with Russia Since both had similar resources, it was necessary to obtain better military technology.
Some words that were disliked within the government. The main spokesman for the presidential office, Mijailo Podoliak, said that such opinions in the media “only made Moscow’s job easier.”
General Zaluzhni is considered one of the architects of the resistance that Ukraine was able to put up during the conflict. It is believed in some circles that he may have political ambitions after the end of the war.