‘World Will Stop Without Kaaba’, New Study

According to new research, the world would stop without the Kaaba because the rotation of the earth is due to the Kaaba and prayer.

An Indonesian website has published a report by American professor Lawrence E. Joseph based on a collective research report of 15 universities regarding the Kaaba and the Black Stone installed in it, which states that the world could stop without the Kaaba. . If Muslims leave the Tawaf of the Kaaba or do not perform the prayer, surely our Earth’s rotation will stop because the rotation of the Super Mosul centered on the Black Stone will not scatter the electromagnetic waves.

Reports It is further stated that the research results of 15 universities show that Hajar Aswad is a meteorite with a very high metal content, which is 23 thousand times more than existing steel.

Some astronauts who saw a very bright light emanating from the earth and after research found that the light emanated from the Kaaba.

Research has shown that the black stone is a superconductor that acts like a microphone that transmits these waves thousands of miles away.

Professor Lawrence Yusuf has also written a special note in his research report that Muslims really owe us a huge debt that circumambulation of the Kaaba and prayers maintain the super-moosul for the movement of the earth.

It should be noted that the Kaaba is the only place of worship in the world where Tawaf does not stop even for a moment in a year, while Muslims offer five times a day prayers and due to the rotation of the sun, every moment of the day in any part of the world. Azan and prayers are not being paid in any region.

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